

Responses from twoleftears

PSB Synchrony line discontinued??
No, the PSBs were/are on my shortlist for auditioning, but I haven't heard them yet. From a lot of past experience, I'm definitely a soft dome kind of guy. I was hoping the PSBs might be on the sweeter side of some others. Also the Revel F208s.So ... 
PSB Synchrony line discontinued??
"The Imagine T2 Tower is newly released for the same price as the Synchrony Two and seems to have replaced it. It's a similar design, but includes a dedicated midrange driver which the Synchrony lacked.The Synchrony One also has the midrange drive... 
PSB Synchrony line discontinued??
I was afraid somebody would say that.I got the Proacs (from Arnie of Accutronics of Ann Arbor before he founded Audiogon) because they sounded great and mated very well with the Cary. (I understand Deja Vu of Maclean still demos their 300Bs with n... 
Meridian, Ayre, Musical Fidelity, Ayon, Lector $2k
Everything I've heard and read tells me that the Ayre, Esoteric, ARC, and Marantz are all truly excellent units.But is there a reason the Bryston BCD-1 isn't on anyone's lists? In my experience, it's one of the most accurate and neutral players ar... 
Spendor S8E vs Classic Series vs A6 Series
I too find the Spendor line-up a little confusing. Here are some retail prices.SP3/1R $2795SP2/3R $3695SP1/2R $5595SP100R $9495A5 $2595A6 $3295S5e $2195S8e $4195S9e $6495ST $8995The SPs are clearly positioned as high-quality monitors. The "A" seri... 
Need help in search of Living Voice sound
Proac D38 or Harbeth 40.1 
Tvad--say it isn't so! Your beloved Sonata IIIs up on the chopping, er auction, er selling block. Who's going to debate with Newbie now the relative merits of the Sonata and the Bolero??Come to that, what's up with this Bolero Supreme? Tacos, anyone? 
Focal and Dr Who?
Also worrying is that empty pair of clogs beside the speaker, as if someone had just been vaporized and that was all that was left... 
Moderate floorstanders for medium room
Spendor S8e, used. There's a pair on the 'gon right now. Will work well with the power you have on tap. Floor standers, two-way, good imaging, better bass than monitors... What's not to like? 
balanced cd player
made in canada is bryston 
Fedex minimum insurance for special handling
Just curious. Has anyone taken an item to one of those UPS stores and had the UPS people do the packing with the "guarantee" that they offer (according to the TV ads)? And then, after that, still had problems with damage and denial of claims? Are ... 
balanced cd player
Bryston BCD-1 
New DAC Not a Dramatic Improvement?
If it is the Bryston, as has already been speculated, you should know that which input you use to connect it to the transport will have a considerable impact on the sound. To say nothing of the cable being used. There's an interesting thread on th... 
Review: Sony SCD-XA5400ES CD Player
Has anyone heard the 5400 pitted against the Cambridge 840c? I realize that the Sony does more things, but at the 1.5K mark, on red book CD, this would seem to be the natural competition. 
ps audio perfect wave transport
As I understand it, it can store/buffer up to 4 minutes of music, to reduce jitter when playing an individual CD conventionally, but the intent is also that it be used as a drive to rip many CDs to an external storage device.