Responses from twoleftears
ps audio perfect wave transport Wpines--looks like you might be on to something. Just checked the Music Direct website: projected price has jumped up from the 2K reported by RH to 3K, and availability has jumped back from February to April/May. Hmmmmm. | |
ps audio perfect wave transport There's a fairly detailed description in the February Absolute Sound, in RH's coverage of the RMAF. Check also the Music Direct website. | |
You know you're an audiophile if-- keep a straight face when you tell your friends that your next turntable is going to be a Milky Stork. | |
Anyone Remember the B&W DM3000s? I still have a pair of DM1800s that I run in my secondary system. You can infer from the fact that I've kept them for 20 years how I feel about them. Personally, I believe that B&W made really great speakers back then, but in the interim the r... | |
Predicting the AGon economy? Does anyone have any sense of what percentage of gear gets sold during its first listing period? Any idea of whether that percentage is heading up or down over recent months. My own guess would be down. | |
Low-powered, class A, solid-state integrated amps Transcendent amp--really nice looking, but are those glass bottles that I see?Perhaps now that Pass make the 150 INT, Nelson will consider adapting one of his First Watt designs.And yes--Dan, you're right: I forgot that MF recently came out with a... | |
In case you haven't seen the new Maggie? Remember that they were running them with top-of-the-line very high power Bryston monoblocks. The speakers may come to market relatively inexpensively, but I wonder what kind of (and how much) amplification they'll need to make them sing. | |
Looking for a CDP from a company that'll be around Bryston BCD-1. Longest warranty in the industry. Not as long as on their amps (because of inherent problems with transports) but longer I think than anyone else. Also, conservative company, very likely to be around. | |
Proac Response D25 match with low power tube amp I drive my Response 2.5s most satisfactorily with 14W of 300B SET. If the sensitivity and impedance haven't changed too much with the revision of the speaker, it should be just fine. | |
Bryston BCD-1 impressions? Teel's negative comments posted simultaneously over three threads concerning the BCD-1, were very unhelpful.First of all, he doesn't specify the system that the unit was auditioned it, so that we might be able to judge the synergy or lack of same,... | |
starting from scratch almost , need advice Several integrateds have a slot that allow you (or the manufacturer) to install an optional DAC board. Bryston and Accuphase are two that come to mind... | |
High efficient speakers Here's a link to a list that covers a lot of the ground., just search "High efficiency" on the A'gon site (discussion section) to locate several useful threads with plenty of suggestions and recomm... | |
computer audio ground loop hum--any suggestions? Many thanks to all! Some vigorous jiggling of the miniplug, and some careful dressing of all the cable runs, seem to have done the trick! Much appreciated. | |
Has any had experiecne with the MF 550k superchar? I should have expressed myself more clearly. The reviewer found that the inherent sonic characteristics of the 550 (cold, hard, compressed sound stage, etc. etc.) did not basically change when used as an amp or as a supercharger; they were more pr... | |
new Eva Cassidy "Somewhere" After further listening, I think: (a) there aren't as many really great songs (music + lyrics) on this CD as on her others; (b) the play-order of the tracks is not the best (if my CDP had a random button I'd be tempted to push it); and (c) there a... |