Responses from twoleftears
Has any had experiecne with the MF 550k superchar? Warrenh--read the "Follow up" review of the 550 towards the back of the December number, written by a professional singer. Used both on its own and as a supercharger on his Aleph. Basic sonic characteristics didn't change either way, just mitigate... | |
EVA CASSIDY I've just worked through the six CDs again, and was struck by just how fabulous her voice was. That bell-like purity, the ability to float it, and the ability to "belt" when the song required. On Amazon I've briefly sampled a number of the other c... | |
Musical Fidelity 550K/750K Supercharger? See Stereophile December issue. | |
Has any had experiecne with the MF 550k superchar? Take a look at the December number of Stereophile. MF has introduced a 750 supercharger at a much higher price point. In the same review, JA and the Cantus guy he records both remark on how hard and cold the 550 sounds in comparison with the 750. ... | |
Caravan - does anyone listen anymore? No votes yet for "If I Could Do It All Over Again (I'd Do It All Over You)" or "Canterbury Tales"? Are these generally considered less successful albums? | |
McIntosh Integrated Amplifiers A timely question, as another current thread, on Mac reliability (6500), seems to have turned into a comparison of the 6500 vs. 6900, and non-autoformers versus autoformers. What other Mc's don't have autoformers, other than some of the integrateds? | |
2-way speaker with best bass This was meant more in the spirit of a "best of" list, rather than as a consultation regarding a specific system.Recently I briefly heard a diminutive Sonus Faber speaker (not sure which model) putting out prodigious quantities of bass, driven by ... | |
proac sound vs coincident sound Let's remember that we're talking about three different speakers here: the Response 2.5s, the D25s and the D28s. As an owner of the Responses, and in light of the posts above (I haven't heard the 25s or 28s), it's clear to me that the change of dr... | |
resolution and imaging Above all I want to hear *depth*. I want to hear that the brass and woodwind are all the way back there, behind the massed strings. I don't want brass and woodwind sounding as if they were on the same plane as the strings. Now, if there were some ... | |
Pathos logos or classic I posted a thread several days ago asking for comparisons of Unison Unico Secondo and Pathos Logos, and so far no one's weighed in on the Logos.Why do you want to replace the VTL preamp and Plinius amp?? | |
proac sound vs coincident sound Read the Stereophile review carefully, and you'll see that the D28s are significantly different from the Response 2.5s--not only the new advanced porting system, but different drivers from different manufacturers. Haven't heard the D28s, but the o... | |
Bryston BCD-1 to upgrade or not? I'm not sure that it's the same DAC in the integrated as in the BCD-1 and BDA-1. There are distinct advantages in having the drive and processor in close proximity, and engineered specifically to talk to each other. Though I believe the BCD-1's su... | |
proac sound vs coincident sound I drive Response 2.5s with 14 watts of SET power and it's a great match. The Proacs mate well with tubes, and will reflect the qualities of whatever you're powering them with. | |
Mcintosh autoformers..... I think the lower-end SS integrateds don't have them. The top-of-the-line does, though. | |
CD player to go with Simaudio I-7 integrated amp Search BCD-1 for a previous thread with my comments on this unit. Also I strongly recommend visiting AudioCircle Bryston owners for several threads with extensive commentary on the sound of this CDP. |