

Responses from wig

Cerious Technologies NEW Graphene Cables
Loving my CTE Graphene SC and umbilical cord; truly phenomenal...Wig 
Has anyone tried these stunning new CPT power cord?
It will get even better/quieter as it burns in and the transformer settle in a bit. I have a 1200 and love it...Wig 
Speaker Cable Suggestions
Definitely give Cerious Technologies Graphene SC a try, the best I've heard to date and I typically evaluate 3-4 SC yearly for the past 8 years...Wig 
Clarity Cable Review
They are very good; I was a previous owner of both SC and IC.Wig 
Teo Game-Changer IC's - get on the bus!
Being that I only need a single pair of RCAs, the extra cost is definitely worth it in my system. The GC may be a few rows closer in presentation but doesn't come close in retrieving hall effects, ambiance cues or conveying multiple layers within ... 
Teo Game-Changer IC's - get on the bus!
I have had the Splash Rs in my system for 2 days now and I’m liking the improvements over the GC in several areas. First, even though they are NOT fully burned-in, the Rs captures WAY more low level detail which is very obvious on acoustic instr... 
Cerious Technologies NEW Graphene Cables
I've had the GE SC in my system for 3 days and I'm elated with their performance; definitely an increase in transparency, image specificity, sound-stage width and depth.These SC are true "Chameleons", they display a very realistic and organic soun... 
VAC 30/70...pick your pre?
Previous owner of a Vac 160i as well which I really liked and have not heard any SQ deficiencies with my LM 508 IA. Those of you with the 508, have you tried any other 805 Tubes? I tried the Psvane which were better in every area but they only las... 
Has anyone tried these stunning new CPT power cord?
I'm also looking forward to the Deep Core mated to my E=C 1200 which already sounds unbelievable...Wig 
Teo Game-Changer IC's - get on the bus!
Not yet, they are being made and tested and will possibly ship mid-week.Wig 
Teo Game-Changer IC's - get on the bus!
He planned that project perfectly! It is hard to get any projects around the house done when you're glued to your listening chair marveling and scratching your head on how these Teo cables perform the way that they do...Wig 
Acoustic Zen Sartori - my experience
If anyone is interested, will have my AZ Absolute Copper SC (2.5M), Absolute Copper IC (1.5M) and Absolute Copper Jumpers available; PM for inquiries.Wig 
Has anyone tried these stunning new CPT power cord?
Mark,I know it's hard to slow down when things are starting to pick-up but you really need this time to take care of yourself, reflect and recharge your batteries.Your Doctor knows what's best for you...Wig 
Teo Game-Changer IC's - get on the bus!
To get an idea, see Doug's review at Dagogo.com on both Silnote and Teo Cables.Wig 
Teo Game-Changer IC's - get on the bus!
You have nothing to lose but will gain a drastic emotional connection to the music...Wig ;o)