

Responses from wig

Acoustic Zen Sartori - my experience
Try AZ Absolute Copper SC; much more resolving than the Satori... 
Robert Lee recommends Triode Corp, but...
Line Magnetic 518 or 508IA is nearly identical but at half the cost of Triode; I'm using 508 IA which is a 48 Watt SET and drives my Crescendos beautifully...Wig 
Line Magnetic 219ia vs Mc225
Watersalas-Congrats on your new LM 508IA!  It's a fantastic amp and what I'm using as well completely rolled with Psvane 805, Sophia Mesh Plates 300B, Tung Sol Round Plates 6SU7 and many 6SN7. In regards to the 6SN7, it's going to be a trial and e... 
Line Magnetic 219ia vs Mc225
Congrats! It's going to get even better with more time... 
Line Magnetic 219ia vs Mc225
@ Almarg & Charles1dadIt's a wonderful sounding combination! Sold my Vac 160i 1.5 yrs ago and went with a Vitus RI-100 which I really liked but it just wasn't magical as tubes, hence my change to my first SET... I've learned a lot from your po... 
Line Magnetic 219ia vs Mc225
I have the 508ia and love it, much more refined now with rolled tubes. A few have heard them both side by side and preferred the 508 based upon dynamics and transparency, see link below:http://forums.stevehoffman.tv/threads/new-line-magnetic-508ia... 
Line Magnetic 219ia vs Mc225
@ fjn04It's LM508IA, utilizing 805 output tubes, 300b, 6SN7 and 6SL7 and I love the sound of this amp; quite magical...  
Has anyone tried these stunning new CPT power cord?
It's amazing what uncontaminated AC can do for electronic components.Wig:) 
Has anyone tried these stunning new CPT power cord?
Lak,That quite impressive right out of the box; can't imagine how much better it will sound after settling down and full burn-in! 
Has anyone tried these stunning new CPT power cord?
I'm new to this thread am quite interested. Which product would you recommend for a tube amp, CD Player and tube power supply and Plasma TV? Would I see improvement over my Running Springs Jaco Conditioner?Thanks,Wig 
Looking for SACD player............
When things are fully broken-in, replace the stock fuses with SR Black 800ma small fuses which is like changing cables...Wig 
Power cords for ModWright SCD-XA5400es
I'm using CH Acoustic X20 and have used Voo Doo Vector, Fire and Platnuim PC and they are great sounding cables...Wig 
SR Fuse Orientation MW Sony 5400
Two small 800 Ma fuses 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
Guys,What's the sweet spot for the number of MC-05 to put in a system? I have 1 so far and things are cleaner and more open...Thanks,Wig 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
mid40sguy,Have you tried reversing the direction of the fuse? I noticed an improvement immediately after installing to include lower floor noise, incredible depth, air and extension after 75+ hours.Brownsfan,The SRB fuses improved each component I...