
Responses from wolf_garcia

Rell or JL subwoofer?
I've bought a few used RELs from the Q series and they're still great (2 Q150e models and a Q108MK2). The phase adjustment does not have to be continuously variable as the 180 degree switch works fine. No DSP digital nannies allowed in my room.  
Low level listening
For any speaker to sound good at low levels it has to be designed with a giant suckout in the midrange to exaggerate the highs and lows lost to the dreaded Fletcher Munson curve. There is no free lunch.  
RIP David Lindley
Wow...El Rayo Ex was the hottest obscure band during its relatively short time and Lindley was brilliant solo or as a sideman. I listen to his stuff often. Mister Dave...  
Why do we stop listening to new music as we get older?
I’ve been a professional musician since the 60’s and I hear new music all the time. I don’t like hippity hop much but I’m not the target audience for that anyway and it’s not "musical" enough for my attention span so..meh...Get out to the "folkie"... 
Why Are We Breaking Our Brains?
Pretentious nonsense. Of note, wine tasting is the oldest collegiate sport.   
Beatles vs. Stones
The Monkees didn't write their hits (Boyce and Hart wrote a lot of stuff, as did other pro songwriters at that time) or were trusted to play much of anything on the records (except singing) until later in their "post TV" career that generally suck... 
"Audiophile" Power Cables: The Greatest Audio Conspiracy Theory of All Time?
Brevity. Practice brevity.  
New Synergistic Master Fuse
If you replace a blown fuse you will notice an immediate improvement to the sound since when the fuse is blown there is no sound at all.   
New Synergistic Master Fuse
A live test is a test in real time with people in the room.   
New Synergistic Master Fuse
Do a live test of fuse directionality with any group of serious listeners and you will notice that no consensus regarding audible differences of fuse direction will occur. I dare anybody to try this (I did). And Dabel, since you're apparently inca... 
SET amplifier (for AvantGarde Duo's-original) recommendations
Dennis Had designs and builds some astonishingly great sounding SET stuff...I own a 2016 built SEP (Pentode) that's amazingly well made. More recently he's done 300B amps and other stuff, but it's hit or miss when he might list new amps on Ebay...... 
New Synergistic Master Fuse
Always buy the most expensive fuse that SR dishes up every couple of years as although they do nothing (except some previous versions I tested extensively did blow as they were rated improperly), the higher price does increase your expectation bia... 
Power cord length
Get a power cord long enough to run back to the source of the electricity. You have to sneak it onto the poles (or get it into the ground if you have buried utilities) but it's worth it. You can save some effort by putting a small nuclear reactor ... 
Whittling down my choices to a final few pair...
Don't buy speakers without hearing them first, especially if you value your own opinion.   
Fantasy or reality? Inexpensive solid state preamps that get you 80% there?
I have an original series Freya and don't know why everybody doesn't have one of these (now Freya +). The tone with great sounding NOS tubes is amazing (my preference is NOS GEs), it has plenty of amp driving gain especially in tube mode, and its ...