Responses from wolf_garcia
Tube or solid state The answer is to use the best of either...a great preamp into any great amp will sound better than a mediocre anything. Tubes are different than SS, we all know that...but synergy is key. I use a tube preamp (Schiit Freya which is either passive S... | |
Solving the "complex music problem"? I use horn speakers pointed right at my earballs when I'm in my "sweet spot" chair and really only the bass is reflecting off of anything, but that's what bass does. I adjust the subs if they get too much or too little...rarely. Then if I sit else... | |
Symptoms of UN-CLEAN power Both my Bryston Bit-15 "Enormous Transformer in a Box" power conditioner (bought because it was on sale and has lots of outlets), and my fabulous sounding Pass XA-25 (among other components) are being used with the supplied heavy duty but NOT "bou... | |
Solving the "complex music problem"? What's the difference between the "illusion of pinpoint imaging" and actual pinpoint imaging? Isn't all playback on any device an illusion? Are there tiny musicians trapped in some amplifiers? These are important questions...or the illusion of imp... | |
Audiophile sound quality from a more "mainstream" company? When I bought a set of Heresy IVs to replace the IIIs I was impressed by the IVs better construction and thought the porting for 10hz lower frequency response was a great idea (although I use 2 REL subs in this heap, so...meh...). After listening ... | |
Solving the "complex music problem"? Wanna hear the result of "room acoustics?" Go listen to a live symphony. A good system in any reasonable room (with a good recording) can easily reproduce either a solo instrument OR a symphony brilliantly, they’ve been able to do that for decades... | |
Audiophile sound quality from a more "mainstream" company? Schiit, Klipsch, and Pass. Wait...that sounds like an instruction...sorry...Heresy IIIs are better than IVs, or so I say. | |
Solid core OFC vs stranded OCC copper The Kimber is my current fave, likely due to the "less loss for longer runs" thing which is why I bought it. Heavier gauge. It's amazing cable for the money. | |
Cary Audio: Tube preamp (SLP-98) paired with (SA-200.2) solid state amplifier? Last year I rested my Had "sep" tube amp to try a Pass XA-25...the Pass, a somewhat unique and original design unlike any other pass design (including First Watt stuff), is an absolutely brilliant thing that sounds astonishingly good...I still swa... | |
Solid core OFC vs stranded OCC copper I recently bought a pair of the newer version Kimber 8PR (with the "Varistrand" solid core thing) speaker cables and they’re very flexible (unlike myself), present 9 AWG to each speaker input, and sound fabulous. I needed a longer run than my AQ o... | |
Is there a 300B type amp out there with some WATTS behind it? How did everyone miss the Western Electric 91E integrated? A single ended class A making 20 watts pc into 8 ohms. Expensive, but there ya go... | |
Bad experience with an electrician "Waiting For the Electrician or Someone Like Him" came out in 1968...man...I'm REALLY getting old... | |
Audiphile Press: Am I jaded, experienced, or has it declined? There are a lot of reviewed items that are sold direct only and not in any stores so that line is nonsense, and the review mags I read are at least interesting. Are we really so stupid that we take any of it seriously? Fremer, who can be amusing, ... | |
World's Best Stereo System ?... Yeah man...it's a push-up contest...extreme high end items will (seemingly) always sell regardless of their actual relative value, which is great news for the people marketing the stuff. Luckily in audio there are lots of options for those less in... | |
Is there anything better than live recordings? "Live in the studio", which many jazz dudes (and some others) do, can sound amazing. Lots of pop music takes months to record, sweating over details and overdubs...some of my fave jazz musicians (or perhaps most of them) like Julian Lage or John S... |