
Responses from wolf_garcia

REL users - do any of you use low level for 2 channel?
High level is the way to go...gets the sound of the amp, and it's very easy to make REL cables. I use inexpensive Canare "star quad" cable with screw on AQ bananas and "Speakons" (Neutrik...from Liechtenstein!). Easy peezy...the length doesn't mat... 
Don’t fight your speakers.
If speakers seem to get in the way of my personal standards and divert any attention away from the music, they're outta here. I seem to get bored or curious sometimes, order some new speakers, and send 'em back or sell 'em off...the only way to re... 
Tube Recommendations Please
Viva tubes...I bet Audio Research charges way too much for not so special tubes  because, hey, they can. Viva sells "vetted" tubes at some of the best prices.  
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
I disagree with Ralph about tube guitar amps...they're not going away anytime soon, if ever. Note that serious pro guitar players generally start with a great tube amp in pretty much every case (exceptions for those who run "into the board" with e... 
Disservice: XLR interconnects
I prefer XLRs and use them whenever I can (my 2 DACs are XLR out to my Freya preamp with 2 balanced ins...rare for most preamps), and without cables my system would just sit there as a meaningless heap...silent...collecting dust...so yeah, cables ... 
Isn’t the forum to post reviews of gear you have experience with?
Wow man...2 stupid mistakes in my post...it’s by, not "buy" and I, not "i." I deserve NO respect.  
Silver Speaker Cables
I use a "bought used" silver sp/dif cable that was originally pricey but obtained el cheapo. It Sounds fabulous (I think).   
Isn’t the forum to post reviews of gear you have experience with?
Opinions buy others regarding items I use, if positive and possibly adoringly noting how smart and generally wonderful my taste is, are always welcome. Otherwise i don't wanna hear it.   
Transients hurting my ears on hifi solid state amps
I crave and insist that my rig sounds accurate, coherent, and clear. I recommend a Pass XA-25...smooth as buttah...  
I have seen a lot of ideas concerning Cable lifters
When you consider cable lifters, also consider the cables INSIDE your speakers as they're constantly being tortured by their proximity to the drivers, about which absolutely nobody cares. Nobody. Regardless of some theories (such as they are) abou... 
We Can Make Classic Cars Outperform Today's "SuperCars": Why Not Vintage Audio?
Voice of the Theater, Old Klipschorns, or old Wester Electric horns are absolutely inferior to modern pro gear in every way. Some get nostalgia points for home audio, and having owned a pair of classic A7s for years (pro use) I will say those thin... 
What's going on with the used audio gear market?
Keynes was a member of the Bloomsbury group...sort of early 20th century hippies including Virginia Woolf, her sister Vanessa Bell, and other writers and artists. Cool. Also, used car prices went up as new cars started having trouble getting parts... 
Shakti Stone
Things like this only work if they're expensive as the magic of "expectation bias" is what is happening...enjoy it...revel in it...  
Rant against the industry with hopes for discussion on positive change
Yeah man...nobody is into toy trains...rare French pottery...stamp collecting...damn young people! How refreshing...another whining thread about how the audio geek hobby is being neglected...I’ve been into this stuff for many decades and if it’s ... 
Looking for good recordings of female vocals I have not yet tried...
Really? No mention of Yoko Ono?