
Responses from wolf_garcia

Devore / Bay Area
I implore any A'gon gear purchasers to give eric5kim his wish and never buy anything from him. Ever. There are far too many other gear sellers who are nice people deserving your biz (Moon audio recently made that list, along with Pass Labs who I t... 
This is good Schiit...
I’ve had an original Freya for years and it’s simply a great thing. NOS GE tubes. I use a (for streaming) Bluesound Node 2i into a Schiit Bifrost II DAC as the Node DAC lacked mojo (a specific official audio handy term), and it all lands in a Pass... 
Should Audiogon forum dealers be held to a different standard?
There's enough unwanted advertising around that I think a discussion forum should be "shill free." No problem with a comment here and there, but, for example, running a link to a review and then saying hey, you can buy this thing at MY STORE is ov... 
Michael Fremer leaves Analog Planet
A few years ago he stuck one of those ridiculous Synergistic Research HFT things on a tonearm for review, said he thought it worked great, and never mentioned it again.   
Need suggestions: High pitched female singers
Anais Mitchell.  
The review wehave been promising is up
I rest my case.  
Does a REL subwoofer make the speakers' job easier?
I've run my main speakers full range with a couple of RELs for years and it sounds great. "Classdstreamer" answers his own question with 'my REL sub does perform super well in its system." Subs don't need to have adjustable "gradation" as things a... 
Think Its Possible To Order Tubes From the Ukraine?
What’s the "world corruption list?" Is that in World Corruption Magazine? In there a Miss World Corruption contest? I need to know...  
The review wehave been promising is up
I you're an "audio intellect" (a nonsensical term) you might try to develop punctuation skills along with realizing the obvious ethical issues there are in using this forum to hawk the crap you sell. Again, lame.  
Hot Rats
Zappa was a genius, a serious atheist (I loved his biography), a great guitar player, a sexist creep, and for my tastes his music is essentially unlistenable pretentious nonsense.   
Soundstage and image height, does it exist?
People "clamming" are generally not aware of soundstaging so much as the splort and sucking sound the mudflats make as one clams. Otherwise, soundstage height, width, location of instruments either accurate of not (drummer's kits are generally not... 
Quest for an external Dac has resulted in me way down the rabbit hole
I think the Schiit Bifrost 2 is superb and utterly worth it.  
Dumbest cable question
Fuses are certainly NOT directional...turn a fuse around in in a decent system and then just sit there and reflect on the fact that you have too much free time.  
What's the heaviest speaker you've ever owned? What's the tallest?
Altec A7s.  
Anybody watch Steve Huff audio on the Tube?
I only have cared about his reviews where he likes something I own.