Responses from wolf_garcia
Suggestions for high efficiency speakers? I've owned a pair of Klipsch Heresy IIIs for a while and tried replacing them (out of curiosity) with Heresy...didn't like the sound of the new poly horn so they were outta here (the IIIs have a completely different mid horn throat design using ti... | |
The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses People generally don't "hear" fuses because there is simply nothing to hear. Fuses can't and won't change the sound of any component, which explains why the vast majority of audio geeks and component manufacturers don't care about them. "Facial e... | |
Does Time alignment and Phase coherency make for a better loudspeaker? Ever hear a group of unamplified musicians playing spread apart on a stage...anywhere? No phase or time allignment occurs. Hmmm... | |
Great song to test bass I looked up something Fremer said showed off bass...it was utterly unlistenable synth crap. I prefer well recorded acoustic bass and drums or if actually testing (phase of subs or new speakers) I like my trusty Stereophile test CD. | |
Wilson not delivering speakers as scheduled Yeah man...makes you want to throw your drink across the lawn, ya know? | |
Science that explains why we hear differences in cables? I just replaced a set of speaker cables by the same company with a significant upgrade over what I'm trading in...although there's a 60 day return policy, they claim they sound best after around 500 hours of use so I'll report back in mid January.... | |
Preamp Opinion Schiit Freya +...incomparable features, 4 tubes that can be bypassed if you feel the need (solving the "should I get tubes?" question), plenty of balanced and single ended ins and outs, amazingly quiet operation...great sound, relatively inexpensi... | |
The "British Invasion". A question for you old farts out there. The Monkees were a manufactured band cast for a TV show, and the music was written mostly by Boyce and Hart and others and performed by serious studio musicians. Some nice stuff, but although very popular it was barely them although they could pla... | |
Have you moved away from full range to standmount speakers + subs? "Full Range" speakers are generally small speakers in the same box with larger speakers...sometimes with separately powered woofers. That's it. | |
Tube vs solid state (with all apologies) For me the fact that SS amp manufacturers often quote a "tube like" quality says it all. My listening rig (amp and preamp anyway) and my guitar amps are all tube. Great sounding SS amps are abundant of course and I use mega powerful SS stuff for l... | |
Member Make Zero Sense Tarzan, Tonto, or Caveman? | |
How can a system be judged with highly processed, non acoustic music? Acoustic guitars also change over time and some are better than others, in fact much better even among the same models of the same brands. A late 30s Martin D-18? Astonishing or unplayable depending on the guitar's life over time...Richard Hoover ... | |
The Most Philosophical Song You Ever Heard "YMCA" played at certain political rallies kind of gets the philosophical mojo goin'. | |
How can a system be judged with highly processed, non acoustic music? Just a note...Nobody can tell the difference as Gibsons and Martins can sound very similar or dissimilar depending on the tone woods, age, model, manufacturing techniques, etc. I've owned and played both brands extensively for decades so I know wh... | |
Why the hate for mcintosh amps? McIntosh and Rolex do have one thing in common...they make A LOT of items. Rolex makes around 800,000 watches per year (!) and sells 'em all, and McIntosh seems to be everywhere from Best Buy to your dentist's den. I collect automatic watches and ... |