
Responses from wolf_garcia

KT150 to KT120..or KT120 to KT150
I'm keeping my Had amp to use when I feel like it...it's a work of art and only uses 4 tubes so I want the amp to think I'm just giving it a well deserved break so as not to hurt its feelings. The Pass amp was bought out of curiosity after reading... 
KT150 to KT120..or KT120 to KT150
My Had amp wound up with GL KT66s, and I liked them so much I "panic bought" a back up pair. Great sounding tubes in a great amp...however...I recently bought a new Pass Labs XA25 and none of my tubes work in that amp (you can lay tubes on top of ... 
Favorite religious song
"Kinda Dumb and a Little Ugly on the Side," Frank Zappa.  
Fuse Direction for Pass Labs Amp and Preamp
I tested a pile of SR fuses years ago and noted the results here. They’re dangerous (rated wrong at times so they blow, leading to suggestions that you should use a higher rating than the gear called for...wow) and useless nonsense. Some have clai... 
When You Buy The Whole Album And Only Like One Song.
I'm an old Rock and Roll musician and current live sound mixer, and my band in '69 actually opened a show for Zep (and others, luckily we had good management as my 18 year old self had no idea what I was doing). Met Jimi (got his cassette player w... 
Is it ok to stack LPs horizontally?
Not just a warping issue but any dust or crap on an LPs surface with be further smashed into the groove. No no no.  
Tubes becoming hard to get?
At this point this is old news really. I use tube amps and mostly NOS GE 6SN7GTBs (four of them in my preamp, one in my power amp) of which I have plenty, and just recently bought a back-up pair of KT66s (I have a stash of various tubes to last fo... 
I wonder what you would think if we scheduled a monthly Zoom Meeting?
How about an audiophile Barn Dance...bikini car wash? Or skip the interplay and simply put spy cams in all the participating members sound rooms and see what they're up to at all times. No hair and makeup required.  
The Law of Accelerating Returns
Room tuning may be something an obsessive/compulsive listener could chase around until they're ready to gloat about it (I think rooms generally can add a sense of realism with only furnishings and regular stuff, unless maybe your room is an abando... 
Thermal Distortion your loudspeaker most likely suffers from it. But do you care?
Another case of "Something You Never Heard Of That Doesn’t Matter."  
Looking for warm tube preamp (should pair well with Pass power amp), budget $6000
When I had recently received the Freya and festooned it with NOS GEs (a while back...maybe 132 years?) some friends and I had a little shoot out festival with a couple of ARC tubed preamps (one was a "reference" model), a Cary SLP 98, and a VTL so... 
Looking for warm tube preamp (should pair well with Pass power amp), budget $6000
I'm running a Schiit Freya with NOS GE 6SN7GTB tubes into a Pass XA25 with astonishing results...the Freya is too inexpensive for many here, and that's fine...a Stereophile Class A Rated brilliantly designed terrific sounding preamp that out perfo... 
Does Anyone Buy Schiit for the Sake of Schiit?
johnwolfpell: I've used EQs professionally (graphic, notching parametric, etc.) in my pro sound musician life and home audio for decades, but hadn't even considered one in my hifi rig for many years as I'm more of a purist when it comes to that so... 
Does Anyone Buy Schiit for the Sake of Schiit?
I own a couple of Magni 3 headphone amps that are excellent, an original Freya, the more recent version of which got a "class A" rating in Stereophile, a Bifrost 2, 2 Loki EQs...all extremely well designed and utterly high end, except for their co... 
Speakers for string Quartets
Jazz piano genius Fred Hersch has a recent album with his trio and a string quartet...friggin' great stuff. I recently bought a Pass XA25 to see what that was all about and man, it's GREAT...giving my SEP Tube amp a rest. Freya, SA25, Klipsch Here...