Responses from wolf_garcia
God doesn't need to know what time it is. I collect watches and have (amazingly) heard the "why have a watch when your phone has the time?" comment before. Why have artistic painting when you can throw paint on the wall? Music? Just grunt and rattle your food bowl...man...for those who li... | |
Speakers for string Quartets This comes up often and the answer is always the same: Any well designed speaker will reproduce any music sent to it as a "music specific" speaker is simply silly. | |
Schitt freya preamp hum- how do I get rid of this? I own an original version Freya and it's dead quiet, even with horn speakers in the tube mode. Lucky me. | |
Schiit Freya + Class A in Stereophile lanx003: The Class A rating was in an issue where the Freya + was actually reviewed, but you likely know that. I've had the original version of the Freya since it first came out years ago and have raved about it, and noted that I'd compared it to ... | |
Dust covers I always took the lid off of my Linn/Akito when in use but after having a repair (cueing lever) and setup by a guy at nearby Goodwin's, he said he prefers "on and closed." The guy was cool and seemed to have considerable expertise...Hmmm...for th... | |
Madman! Digital vs Vinyl I have some really great sounding vinyl of Bill Evans, albeit not the original LPs...likely remastered and I do prefer the vinyl over the CDs I have of the same stuff. | |
Schiit Freya + Class A in Stereophile I've had an original version Freya for years and it astonishes me with how great it sounds every day...NOS GE 6SN7GTBs boogie my sneakers away. | |
I miss my Loudness Button and Tone Controls.... I have 2 Lokis (dos loki?), the original and the improved...original in my video system, numero uno el improvo in the hifi rig generally off until called on (on but bypassed). An amazing gizmo that after many decades dealing with this stuff (pro m... | |
Amir and Blind Testing My system recently started sounding better and although I hate to admit it, it could be due to my newish speaker cables hitting the manufacturers 500 hour break-in point. Who knew? Perhaps the manufacturer... | |
The panic selling of tube audio had begun. My preamp and power amp both use 6SN7GTBs and I've wound up with piles of new versions and NOS that should last a decade or more. My power amp can operate with anything from KT66s to KT170s, only uses 2 power tubes at a time (single ended pentode ... | |
Speaker positioning: why do audiophiles neglect this so much? In many rooms there is absolutely no need for any "room treatment" as the room may have furniture, shelves, carpets or rugs, and OMG (!) a "room" sound! To say any system other than yours isn't up to par because of possible "early reflections" or ... | |
Toilet Paper to Vacuum Tubes No military gear has run on tubes for decades. | |
What stereo equipment do respected musicians listen to? Yoyo...It's not engineers but the producers who have the last call on the sound of a recording, so the 2-4k range issue isn't a thing for engineers as it's the producers and mastering technicians who would notice anything like that during final mi... | |
What stereo equipment do respected musicians listen to? "Musicians and recording engineers tend to listen to music deconstructively"...no, they don't...some might but still...Generalizations like this are just silly...Did you read my previous post? Also, many musicians can retain hearing after years of... | |
Is there any one piece of vintage gear you most wished you owned? A '64 Fender Vibroverb. |