

Responses from yogiboy

harbeth p3ers or dynaudio excite x12
Sounds like we have the same taste in music. I have the Harbeth p3er.No other speaker I have owned come close to them. As a matter of fact I was just listening to Dianna Krall,wow knocks my socks off! I can't comment on the Dyna I never heard them... 
Harbeth P3ESR vs Fritz Rev 5 vs DeVore Gibbon 3XL
Go for the Harbeth.Also look at the Spendor 3/5. They both have sealed woofers. You can place them close to rear wall with no problems. The Spendors are a little more laid back but both speakers are made for the type of music you like. I think bot... 
Best Acoustic Guitar Players Of All Time?
Leo Kottke 
Why do Harbeth speakers have such a cult following
Egoben,Ditto on your desription on the P3ESR'S. I think you should think twice about going for the larger Harbeth. The simple two way sealed design is what makes them special. Bigger is not always better. 
Why do Harbeth speakers have such a cult following
Simple,because they sound so good! I had many speakers over the years and these p3esr's are special. But it's all a matter of taste. 
got the HW-19, now need advise on cartridge
If you like warm go for a Grado! 
Upgrading cartridge used or new?
Zd542,forget new shoes,just go barefoot and get even better than better. 
Upgrading cartridge used or new?
No way! Would you buy used tires for your car? Why take a chance and ruin your vinyl with someones old clunker? 
Best cartridge options for around $200.
Get yourself a Grado! 
Cartridge upgrade?
Go for the Grado! 
Does it matter which component I power up first?
The way you do it is fine! 
Need tonearm recommendations
I use SME 309 with my Grado. The combination is flawless. 
Compact bookshelf stereo system
Include Teac,Sony and Denon on that list. Ebay is a good start. 
Compact bookshelf stereo system
Might of been Bang and Olufsen or Nakamichi. 
Sota Sapphire arm help?
What cartridge are you using? I had that arm years ago and it would resonate so bad I blew my speakers twice. That arm is not a ball of fire. Go for a Rega.