

Responses from yogiboy

Increasing a Low output MM
What is the gain of the line stage that you are using? You should add that to the 28db gain of the phono stage!  
Michell Gyro SE Belt
Here ya go! https://www.lpgear.com/category/MICHELL.html  
How rare is an audiophile
Big difference between an audiophile and one who just loves music! I know plenty of music lovers that enjoy music on a low to mid fi system! As far as audiophiles go they are few and far between!!  
Picture worth a penny LOL!!!!
@analoguefan Me too! Nothin’ like looking at dirty toenails just before dinner. UGH!  
Forté 1A power amplifier.... still good?
Many moons ago I owned a Forté model 3 (200 watts). I used it with Dahlquist DQ10s and Vandersteen 2Cs and 3As. It was one of the better solid state amps that I’ve had before and after!  
6DJ8 vs. 6922?
I like GE and Sylvania. All these tubes are interchangeable! The 6DJ8 is a dual triode preamp tube. ECC88 is the European designation for this tube. 6922 and its European equivalent E88CC are premium versions of the 6DJ8. 7308 and E188CC and the ... 
The most tower like stand mount under $4k
I’ve owned the Falcon IMF-100. You can get the kit or factory built for under 2 grand shipped ( no tax). They are sold factory direct only. They are a Transmision Line design. I received them in less than one week after placing order. IMF 100 “Co... 
Music Hall's "Classic" turntable :How does it compare to other similarly priced T/T's
The Technics SL-100C can be had for a grand. It does have auto-lift and no built in phono preamp. I doubt that you would go wrong with it! https://www.analogplanet.com/content/technics-sl-100c-premium-class-direct-drive-turntable-makes-its-us-deb... 
Advice on how to liquidate system
@riie "Just put some liquid on it " Great solution Brainiac!!!!  
Micro Seiki ma-505 x is a low or heavy tonarm?
 Here is a discussion about that arm. The head shell weighs 9.7 grams!    https://www.vinylengine.com/turntable_forum/viewtopic.php?t=48848  
Any cartridge recommendations for a Grace G-707 arm on a Thorens TD-125 deck?
The Grado Opus 3 would be a good match! Grado Timbre Series, Opus3 - The Absolute Sound    
Micro Seiki ma-505 x is a low or heavy tonarm?
If you read this it states that the 505 has an effective mass of 14.5 grams. It might be that the 7 gram mass information that you have is not including the weight of the head shell! MA-505 Denon 103 Project — Micro (micro-seiki.org)  
Micro Seiki ma-505 x is a low or heavy tonarm?
Here ya go! 14.5 grams Using a basic effective mass calculator (link below), the Micro Seiki MA-505 has an effective mass of 14.5 grams. It needs another ~16 grams to achieve a new effective mass of about 30 grams. To add 16 grams to this tonear... 
Micro Seiki ma-505 x is a low or heavy tonarm?
That arm has a 14.5 effective mass. You can use this chart to calculate if the cartridge that you want to use would be compatible with that arm! http://www.mh-audio.nl/Calculators/RF.html  
Hooking up MARANTZ MODEL 15 without a PREAMP?
Yes! Audio Output Analog Stereo RCA (Fixed or Variable) Coaxial RCA