

Responses from yogiboy

Hooking up MARANTZ MODEL 15 without a PREAMP?
There are left and right inputs on that amp. Look on the rear at the top!  
Hooking up MARANTZ MODEL 15 without a PREAMP?
Use the RCA outputs of the Bluesound into the Marantz inputs and it will work without any preamp needed!  
Definitive Technology Demand D17???
Not familiar with that speaker, but $1400 for a used pair seems over the top! You can buy them new for a tad over $1500 with a money back option! https://www.crutchfield.com/p_735D17BL/Definitive-Technology-Demand-D17-Piano-Black-Left.html?cc=07  
Audio Research equipment for sale.
Here ya go! Over a thousand listings! https://www.hifishark.com/search?q=audio+research  
You've run some pretty fancy MC's, but the _______ MM cartridge really impressed me
Another Grado fanboy here! BTW, do you know the mass of the tonearm?  
Rega P3 vs SOTA Comet III
SOTA! https://worldofturntables.com/sota-comet-series-iii-turntable-review-hearing-test/  
Why are these called 5 way binding posts? I count four!
@ketchup BINGO!!  
Storage boxes. Can I discard high end shipping boxes, and still sell in the future?
"You cannot ship insured without the original boxes. I’ve seen manufacturers charge $400 for a replacement box." Say what? Where did you get that information from? I've bought and sold gear many times without original boxes and always insured!  
Storage boxes. Can I discard high end shipping boxes, and still sell in the future?
The original boxes are nice to have but not a deal breaker when I buy used gear. If you don’t have the room to store the original boxes what other options do you have? Paying for storage is ridiculous!    
Fair price for used Vandersteen 3a Signatures
Many moons ago I was a happy Vandersteen owner ( 10 years). I owned the 2CE and the 2CEi. When I upgraded to the larger 3A I found it to be a big mistake and I sold them within a year. Vandersteen placement is very critical and I could never get t... 
Small satellite speakers
The Vandersteen VLR is made for shelf placement! https://www.vandersteen.com/categories/compact-speakers  
Yamaha Amplifier Warranty Issues
@cleeds +1!  
Speaker recommendations :-)
@bassdude +1 Those Lamm amps will make those Harbeths sing!  
Bang for the buck
I have never owned a Salk so I can’t give you an answer on that. I have owned Vandersteens  (2c and 3A ) and I recommended that model since you have a small space and a two thousand dollar budget!  
Bang for the buck
 You can get a new Vandersteen 1ci plus for under 2 grand! I doubt you would go wrong! https://www.vandersteen.com/products/model-1ci-plus