

Responses from yogiboy

Looking to buy bookshelf/monitor speakers
I sold them for about $1200.00. The only reason I sold them is I had way too many speakers! There is a nice pair of Spendor S3/5Rs listed here for $575.00. They are not brown but they are another outstanding bookshelf speaker. But you only want Br... 
Looking for a tube preamp with remote control.
Here ya go!http://www.rogueaudio.com/Products_RP1.htm 
thought on eBay?
I stopped buying big ticket items on Ebay since they started charging sales tax. I also stopped selling on Ebay because they get over a 12%  selling fee. Audiogon works out great for me! 
Raising standmount speakers
Check out IsoAcoustics!https://isoacoustics.com/ 
Amplifier for Cornwall IV
Why so much power for a high efficient 102db speaker? Seems like overkill! 
Does Agon charge sales tax?
NO! But Ebay sure does! 
Sweet new tube amp needs better speakers
@ stereo5 The OP has a Cayin amp that is made in China. So I doubt he would have a problem with that. Many other recommendations like Klipsh and JBL are also made in China! 
Sweet new tube amp needs better speakers
The KLH 5 is getting great reviews. Do a Google search and you will see all the reviews. It just might be the speaker you are looking for!https://klhaudio.com/model-five-pairhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYi4mptKrfoAnother!https://www.therobinso... 
Budget Phono preAmp
That Sutherland says make offer so it is not carved in stone at the asking price! If you want it you should make an offer and see what happens! 
Budget Phono preAmp
There is a Sutherland KC Vibe listed here for $550. My friend uses it and it is real nice. You should make an offer on it! 
Help/advice, upgrading my vintage amplifier!
If you want to get into tubes this Quicksilver would be a nice match with the high efficient 105db Klipsh !http://quicksilveraudio.com/products/integrated-amplifier/ 
Perfect match for ATC speakers
"you’ve done the opposite of what I advise: try first to find efficient speakers you love, using sensitivity of 90 db as a starting goal." That above statement is BS. Those ATC speakers are outstanding. If you buy a speaker just because of its hig... 
Amp Recommendation for new JBL L100 Classic
This Yamaha A-S801 should be added to your list!https://www.theabsolutesound.com/articles/yamaha-a-s801-integrated-amplifier-and-yba-11-bluetooth-wi... 
MC cartridges
Here ya go!https://www.audioadvice.com/turntables/phono-cartridges 
Helping a friend build a new system
I have owned many Harbeth and Spendor speakers. This Spendor 4/5 seems like the kind of speaker that your friend might be looking for. It is warmer sounding than the Harbeth P3ESR! https://generubinaudio.com/shop/ols/products/spendor-classic-45