

Responses from yogiboy

A true legend has passed away! ' Set it and forget it '
  "And what does this have to do with audio?"   And what serious Vinyl collector doesn’t own the Ronco Record Vault?https://theinfosphere.org/Ronco_Record_Vault 
My New Magnepan 1.7i's sound dull and lifeless on the top end...why?
+1@ oldhvymecThat makes the most sense! 
Help with Shortlist of Speakers! (SF vs Devore vs Others?)
You should checkout the Spendor 9.2. I've never owned a Spendor that I didn't enjoy! D-Line loudspeakers – Spendor (spendoraudio.com) https://dougbradyhifi.com/products/spendor-d9-2-loudspeakers 
A true legend has passed away! ' Set it and forget it '
  @tvad   Mine too!https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=bass+omatic&view=detail&mid=2894DBC6195CC5F71E722894DBC... 
A true legend has passed away! ' Set it and forget it '
He sure was!   RCM!https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=ronco+records&&view=detail&mid=4955028EBD7D742848FA...And a record label!https://www.discogs.com/label/15604-Ronco 
New to Integrated stereo tube amps
@georgehifi It all depends on the source. I tried using the SYS with a phono preamp and could not get enough volume. You need the extra gain of a preamp! 
Need Preamp Recommendation
Quicksilver tube preamps would be a nice fit with any solid state amp! The low output impedance will work fine with any amp you decide to buy. I own the non remote 12at7 one. BTW, both have no balance or mono feature, if you need that then you sho... 
Report it to paypal now. I bet you will get response real fast!! 
Maggies with a subwoofer system - optimization?
 @erik_squires How is that done without a high pass filter between the amp and preamp? Just curious!Thanks 
Maggies with a subwoofer system - optimization?
Does that Krell have a preamp input so you can use a high pass filter going to the Maggies? If it don't then you will still be using the Maggies full range! 
PayPal Questions
How secure is it?  ? Very! What risks are there? None! 
Guys, this is part of the issue I am asking about in my other thread...
You should remove the fuse and bring it with you to make sure that you replace it with the correct one. There are slow-blow and fast-blow type fuses. BTW, I have never seen an amp with such a high value fuse!   
Last Train From Poor Valley. Norman Blake. And the many cover versions from others!https://www.last.fm/music/Norman+Blake/_/Last+Train+From+Poor+Valley 
Dedicated Circuit
Here ya go!https://www.homedepot.com/p/Southwire-25-ft-12-2-Solid-Romex-SIMpull-CU-NM-B-W-G-Wire-28828221/20231...15 amp = 1800 watts20 amp = 2400 watts 
I have various speakers and audio equipment for sale. They 7-10 years old. Should I list?
There was a site called AudiogoN. I wonder if it is still around?