

Responses from yogiboy

Recommendations for speakers with Luxman 509x
It sounds like Spendor would fit the bill. I’ve owned many Spendors and I doubt that you would go wrong with them. The new D7.2 falls within your price range.https://www.spendoraudio.com/ 
Aren't you sorry you missed out on this one? It's already sold out! LOL
NO listening sessions posible , bookshelf for a Raven Nighthawk
In a small space like that ,why do you think you need speakers with an 88 db sensitivity? There are so many other options with less sensitive bookshelf type speakers. You should look into a LS3/5A type of speaker. There are many brands to choose f... 
Need help buying new speaker cable
Any audio dealer near where you live can terminate those cables.  If you are having a problem with bananas why not  just get spades? 
Which component to upgrade to improve bass control?
I doubt replacing anything will give you any improvement. Rear ported speakers can be very problematic if placed too close to rear wall. Even front ported speakers need room but less than rear ported! 
right/left orientation
Here ya go!https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=9xBhb8nv&id=7A8018F241DA58B1F72EECBE3D... 
High end high quality int. amp for low level listening
Something like that makes more sense. Those recommendations for a more sensitive speaker or a higher powered amp still have me scratchin’ my head! 
High end high quality int. amp for low level listening
You stated that 90% of the time you listen at a low 60 dbs spl. You will be payin’ for watts that you will never use. But if you want to make a change that’s up to you. Personally I think you would be just spinnin’ your wheels. That’s my honest op... 
High end high quality int. amp for low level listening
Why give up the tube preamp section on the Pathos? If you are very happy with the sound that you have now I doubt going solid state will be better. Save your money instead of making a side step or backwards move! BTW, that Pathos is rated at 130 w... 
Tube Amp recommendations to drive Klipsch Forte III
+1 Quicksilverhttp://quicksilveraudio.com/products/integrated-amplifier/ 
Demos - To Charge a Fee or to Not Charge a Fee?
+1@ p05129! 
Best Way To Maximize Preamp Tube Life?
I have vintage radios that are over 80 years old. The tubes are original and they all work fine.  Those small signal tubes last for ages! 
Subwoofer Connection: Speaker Level Amp to Line Level on Sub?
Tape out is not the same as pre out. If you use tape out it will bypass the volume control on the EVO! 
Looking to buy bookshelf/monitor speakers
Excellent choice! 
Looking to buy bookshelf/monitor speakers
Which ones did you get?