

Responses from yogiboy

why do some cassette decks eat tape out of cassettes over 90 min?
Here ya go! TAPE THICKNESSDid you know that the longer the tape length (90 and 120 minutes) the thinner the actual tape? It makes sense if you think about it, after all they had to make it fit within the tape deck, but the thinner the tape, the m... 
Audio Connection + John Rutan (a kudo)
Chris at East End HiFi!https://eastendhifi.com/home/And Gene at Gene Rubin audio!https://generubinaudio.com/shop 
amplifier with volume control
This Conrad-Johnson CAV 45 should fit the bill!https://www.tonepublications.com/review/review-conrad-johnson-cav-45s2/#:~:text=A%20long%20test%20dr....Or this Van Alstine!https://avahifi.com/collections/power-amplifiers/products/set-120-control-am... 
Phono stage: Tavish Adagio vs Quicksilver
I own the Quicksilver. The gain is on the high side so I replaced the AX7 tube with a 5751 to lower the gain. It is dead quiet. I have owned it for about ten years and I can’t fault it in any way. I have also owned the original QS phono preamp wit... 
Quicksilver Preamps?
Over the years I’ve owned many preamps and the Quicksilver has bested all of them!! 
Opinions needed-fatigue
Many moons ago I owned the Shure V15 3 and 4. They would put me to sleep. Boooooooring! 
What are some of the better tuners out there?
If those tubes burn out to quickly there must be a problem with that tuner. Preamp tubes should last for years! Small signal tubes like a 12AX7 or 6922 will work well on average for about 10,000 hours. If you leave your equipment on 24 hours a day... 
Upgrade thoughts and reccomendations
The Harbeth 30.1 would be a nice fit. You can get them used well below 5 grand. I’ve owned them but they didn’t work out in my smaller room so I went with the smaller P3. My friend just bought a pair and loves them.Here is a review!https://www.the... 
Upgrade thoughts and reccomendations
1. Budget?2. Room size?3. Type of music you prefer?4. New or used?5. Stand mount or floorstander? 
Fair market value Dunlavy Aletha speakers
Here are the sold listings on HIFISHARK!https://www.hifishark.com/search?q=dunlavy+aletha 
Preamp/Integrated with Loudness button
Quicksilver Remote Pre (6DJ8) & Cary SLP-88 ... Need Opinions
No need to have Mike rewire anything. I use this Y adapter with my QS or any other preamp for a 2nd preamp out!!https://www.audioadvisor.com/prodinfo.asp?number=AQM22FHRD 
Reasonably sensitive speakers for tube amps, max $2k/pair, new or used
@jjss49 Outstanding explanation about the pitfalls of efficient speakers. It’s great to have someone on this site that actually knows what He/She is talkin’ about!! 
Reasonably sensitive speakers for tube amps, max $2k/pair, new or used
The KLH 5 is getting many positive reviews. You should check them out!https://klhaudio.com/model-five-pairhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYi4mptKrfo KLH Strikes Back! BEST Loudspeakers UNDER 2000! Model 5 Speaker Review - YouTubehttps://www.bing.... 
A true legend has passed away! ' Set it and forget it '
  "And what does this have to do with audio?"   And what serious Vinyl collector doesn’t own the Ronco Record Vault?https://theinfosphere.org/Ronco_Record_Vault