Responses from yyzsantabarbara
Kef LS50 vs. Emerald Physics CS3 mk2 I was hoping to keep my office system simple and cheap with the LS50 as the only splurge. A month later I have gotten a new DAC, new cables, new computer hardware just to bring out the best from the LS50. All the improvements had a discernible aff... | |
Legacy Audio AERIS: RMAF/listening impressions? Is there a driver on the bottom of the AERIS? Why is there a grill on the back (or am I mistaken)? | |
starting from scratch ...new system I have the KEF LS50 and I really love it for near field listening but I think I would not like it as much at a distance. I know a few people that have questioned me on this statement. I listen to the KEF's on average 5 hours a day at my desk and I... | |
Sony HAP-Z1ES Hi-Res Music Player RMAF 2013 I only have 1 Sony device, a modified Sony SCD-1. It is the best sounding CD player I have ever heard. Especially after the mods I had done. I have heard a few 20k players from various brands.So I am quite high on the Sony audio brand. | |
Best speakers for around 30K? I am looking around for speakers to purchase in 12 months but I do not have a room yet so I listening to everything I can.I heard the TAD Evolution One and liked it a lot. Even though the place I auditioned it at had it toed in way too much. Likel... | |
Anything happening at the new Thiel? I would also like to add that I had some recent correspondence with Thiel and they were exemplary in their Customer Service. I wish them all the success going forward. | |
KEF LS 50 I just purchased a used LS50 with now about 100+ hours on it. I have it on my home office placed on top of my desk. My desk has one 26" monitor and the 2 speakers on each side of the monitor. My speakers are 25 cm from the back wall, 15 cm from th... | |
KEF LS 50 in NE Ohio? I just bought a used LS50 last week from A'Gon and have it hooked up with a Parasound Halo 23 amp. My office, where the speakers reside is about 12x13. I have a cheapo Emotiva XDR-1 dac in the office with all inputs coming from various computers. ... | |
Audience THE ONE on Desktop Need amp One additional point for anyone else thinking of going this way. The LS50 are so reveling that I find it hard to listen to 320-bit internet streaming (www.mog.com). With my old A2's mog sounded just fine. My FLAC's sound amazing on the LS50. | |
Audience THE ONE on Desktop Need amp Well I have made a change to my desktop system and I thought I would follow up.I decided to go with the KEF LS50 for my desktop to replace my AudioEngine A2's. I was worried that the speakers were too big from my space. A friend of mine was nice e... | |
The Gear to drive Mini Maggies I just bought a Parasound Halo A23 on eBay or $540. I use it to drive the KEF LS50 on my desktop. I was debating whether to get the KEF LS50, Audience ONE, or Magnapan Mini for my desktop. A friend bought the KEF to my place to try with the A23 am... | |
KEF LS 50 in NE Ohio? they will be available on Amazon.com on Sept 7th. I think they do returns. | |
Revel Salon 3? James63,I totally agree with your assessment of the Thiel 3.7 relative to the Salon. I would not go back to the Salon since I have already owned it but if somebody gave me one as a gift I would happily take it.I am doing some active searching now.... | |
Revel Salon 3? James63,You like the Salon2 more so than the Thiel 3.7? It would be interesting to hear your opinion. I have read quite a bit of your posts during my speaker research activities and found them informative.I owned the Salon1 for quite a long time i... | |
The Gear to drive Mini Maggies If you were to go overboard for the amp, you should consider the Bryston 3B-SST/3B-SST2 or 4B-SST/4B-SST2 for the Mini. I think it would be a pretty good match considering the Bryston and Magnapan are supposed to play well with each other. A more ... |