True genius is not mere intelligence...
A fox like Bill Gates the richest man on earth who screw us all in the last three years is not Buddha...
Beating humans on any game and recitating all knowledge of the world is not genius...
When Ramanujan discovered the thousands of mathematical formulas that nobody ever think about, and which revolutionize mathematics, because they were towering complexities, with NO DEMONSTRATION about their truth for any of them , Hardy and Littlewood ask him how in the world he could even imagine as true so complex formulas ? He answered, Namagiri the knowledge goddess taught him about them each night... And he was speaking only truths in his life nor sarcasms or poetical claims by the way...
At the times Hardy and Littlewood were the best mathematicians in the world with few others and they concluded their life works writing that there were only dwarves compared to this Indian Man who was treated in 1914 as an inferior human being from an uncivilized world by most people in England... 😊 He died at 32 years old.. Read his biography...
The goal of life is not being more intelligent , it is being more spiritual and moral being then more CONSCIOUS...
Why ?
Because all knowledge is ALREADY there but cannot be access by beast...It is the universal informative/formative field whose shadow is number theory itself and geometry ..
I believe myself only in number theory and in the source... The only ONE intelligent and conscious is the Source...Call it God ...
Then A. I. is a tool which is a trap for those of us who dont understand who they really are to begin with...
«Intelligence is way overevaluated»--Groucho Marx 🤓
If the entire purpose of existence was to attempt to attain some godlike level of thought, then AI could be our shortcut.