Its unlikely this is the case. If it lasted a decent amount of time then after say 10 years or more pretty much everything is so much better you should have no problem finding superior replacements for your repair cost money. About the only thing I have seen in over 40 years, going back to the 1970’s, where this does not happen is turntables. Even then not all of them.
With amps, heat cycles eventually do them all in. Tube amps last the longest because the parts that cost the most (transformers) last almost forever, almost all the parts are in wide open spaces easy to keep cool (and access if need be) and the parts that do wear out (tubes) are designed to be easily replaced.
Solid state amps tend to be a nightmare of parts crammed in difficult (read, expensive) to access locations with no thought given to replacement. Which makes sense, given the reliability and longevity of the parts is so much greater. Still, the end result after enough years is guaranteed to be a really expensive doorstop.