Another dedicated line question

It appears that ideally, one wants a dedicated line (DL) for digital, one for analog, and one for and each and every power-hungry device. I would if I could, but I cannot. I live in Chicago and have to use EMT/conduit. Running an interior DL to my listening room was difficult so I went outside, piggybacking on a run to a newly installed mini-split, placing a box and then drilling into the living room wall as the conduit passed by. I had the electrician pull two additional 12ga hot/neutral wires for a total of six 12ga wires in half-inch EMT.  Each of the two new pairs has its own 20 amp circuit breaker. 

I’ve done a lot of reading since the installation and have some questions about how to most effectively utilize this access.

System includes a Devialet 400 (800 watts) driving Wilson Benesch Vectors, (89db/m/2.83v), Dayton SA1000 (1000 watts) driving a DEBRA Swarm,  a VPI HW19 Mk IV (with SOTA Condor and Roadrunner) and Sonos streamer (soon to be significantly upgraded). I include this info to give a sense of my power requirements. I presume the DEBRA subs relieve the Devialet of some of the heavy lifting, so I doubt I need anywhere close to 1800 watts for any prolonged period of time. 

I can use each of the new pairs to give me two 20 amp circuits, but some folks are concerned about running multiple DLs in the same conduit because of the impact on the sound/interference/noise, etc. Somebody has gone so far as to say that a true DL is not defined by a unique circuit breaker but rather a unique path. I recognize that the mini-split poses a similar problem, but I can turn it off at the breaker or install a switch when I listen seriously. 

I then read about a concern with Isolated grounds and metal boxes/conduit and how that impacts on the sound/interference/noise etc. So alternatively, I could use one of the wires of the second pair to serve as the connection for an isolated ground. 

Bottom line, which is better? One line with an isolated ground or with twice the power but in a shared space? I recognize I have enough room to pull two additional isolated ground wires but again, the issue of multiple wires running randomly alongside each other is a concern for some. 

Also, where might a power conditioner fit into this? I see some that run a relatively unprocessed signal to high power outlets and then provide filtered current to others.  Could this serve to isolate my digital from my analog or can one accomplish this only by DLs? I already have an EP-2050 on the main panel.

In anticipation of the “try it both ways and see which way is better” replies, I currently have it hooked up as a single line with isolated ground. I’m getting used to the sound but it is limited since my wife works from home. I anticipate I will have many more opportunities once this Covid thing is over, but I would rather not change it if the consensus is that this is the superior way to do things. If there is no consensus, I will try the other. 


I have a dedicated room with three systems. I ran two separate #12 20 amp circuits with dedicated grounds and am using 20amp Hubbell Hospital grade receptacles that are great and only cost $29 each. Dedicated Ground simply means that the receptacle Ground does not combine with any other Ground until it reaches the Ground Buss in the electrical panel. Even if you mount that receptacle in a metal box it will not ground to the box. On a normal receptacle the strap that attaches to the box also has the Ground terminal, not so on an isolated ground receptacle. 
It's important to tell the electrician not to use a self-ground on the receptacle. This is commonly done when wiring outlets in new construction. 
An isolated ground is wired from a dedicated point on the receptacle; ie, an insulated ground screw, then back to the ground in the service panel. A grounded metal box will also do.

I’m planning to install ONE dedicated circuit this spring. Not because I want isolation (partly) but because I’m using an already “busy” circuit in the house. From every thing I’ve seen/read ONE dedicated circuit to rule them all.
OHM: The insulated IG wire runs from the duplex to the ground bus on the sub panel.  Electrician approved.


That is approved, and my point.. It's not the ground that isolates the circuit, it is the hot leg. The ground is "Common", that is what makes it safe for YOU..

Outside the house "ground rods" are for over currents coming in, not going through or out.

EX: Like me shorting a hot wire to ground inside the house and blowing a circuit breaker (over the amp rating).

OR a lightning strike that hits the pole and goes through to my ground rods (hopefully), and NOT into the house.. The speed or your surge protector comes into play then.. Higher numbers usually means a quicker reaction time to spikes..

The second portion of a jet black background and VERY low volume listening is the CAD system (by design) doesn't have to be that manufacture.. It can be YOU...

I'm workin' on it..


If you want a clearly worded explanation, I would PM @jea48.He is the most knowlegable member on Audiogon when it comes to wiring.
... The insulated IG wire runs from the duplex to the ground bus on the sub panel. Electrician approved ...
Correct, and compliant with NEC. That is what an isolated ground is.
Multiple lines can cause ground loops. And people say that if the multiples are from different phases, it causes sonic trouble. I wouldn’t know.

I’d recommend one line (20A or 25A) with hospital-grade receptacles (they are sturdy and well made). You can try out a power filter, if you’re concerned about digital vs. analog.

Unless your stereo is on a line with an x-ray machine, I wouldn’t expect a dedicated line to make a huge difference. But it could be worth doing for peace of mind.

MC: not sure what you mean by "one line is always better".  One line for each device or only one line in conduit? Also,"The power used today is the third or fourth iteration."?  I have done multiple searches and read multiple posts. Difficult separating the wheat from the chaff.  Hence, my inquiry.

OHM: The insulated IG wire runs from the duplex to the ground bus on the sub panel.  Electrician approved.
OP there is no isolated ground, all grounds have to go back to the main. They must be tied to the common bus. When you separate any portion of the electrical grid from a common ground, YOU can get hurt.. It is code. You can drive a rod 100 feet in the ground and use 10 of them.. BUT they ALL have to be tied together, and back to the main as individual antenni (LOL) or as one at the grouping of rods..and a single heavy conductor, back to the main bonding bus bar.. The Ground rod (s) are for one thing, Over current, lightning strikes, or a telephone pole being smacked..
Outside the house.. YOUR common ground is so you don’t get fried inside the house.. You don’t want to be the path of least resistance. :-)

A heavy single 20 for you’re stereo. A second 15 for your digital, but on a dirty circuit.. Erik is pretty well versed in this.. he might chime in, for quiet and clean/dirty operation..

Shoot didn’t see you there MC.. I agree.. get ready OP, it’s all good though..

I've been looking at CAD, designs.. interesting... Earth boxes.. YUP ya never know..

Happy happy..

Consensus sucks. All you are gonna get is blather from a whole slew of guys who are only repeating other blather, and round and round it goes. One line is always better. Whether or not the normal ground or a separate earth ground is better you will unfortunately just have to try and see. I've done both. In fact I will bet I have done more, with more hands-on valid comparisons than anyone here. Anyone. Covered a dozen times at least. So do a search. And please, drop the consensus BS. If you want results do what works not what others think will work. 

The power used today is the third or fourth iteration. Do a search. Read the posts. 
I have a 20 amp dedicated line with a 4 gang box. I run my dual mono amp direct, one of my power subs direct (the other is too far away, so plugged into a normal 110 plug on the other side of the room, and my Core Power 1800 into one of the 4 into the DL 

Yes the 1800 is overkill for a Oppo 105 and a Audio Alchemy DDP-1 + PS 5 (outboard power supply), but when I first bought it, I had dual mono amps plugged into it, as well as a CD player and Oppo 105 for SACD/DVD-As. I found the amp sounds better direct to the DL
