Anyone using the Transistor Research LabsM 225's

On the grapevine I have heard that these amps are good enough to be the end of the line. Given their reasonable cost - that would be great news. Any comments?
It's true, and I'm the supreme amp skeptic. I have about 50 hours on mine and it is simply unbelievable.
These particular particulars have two very different sides leading to two completely different conclusions about what transpired.
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Audiofeil: Thanks. That is correct.

Tvad and Markwatkiss: Please e-mail me if you'd like to know the particulars.
I don't know 9rw personally and have no dog in this fight but based on his posting history I'd give some consideration to his last submission being a bit of sarcasm.

Perhaps he could clarify that for us.
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You could always find an ad for these amps, call the person and ask for an audition knowing all along that you won't buy his or her amps and then, if you like them, buy them from a dealer or direct from the manufacturer.
Actually its Tube Research Labs. Their website won't tell you much. Best to call them at 509-787-5405.
Who is Transistor Research Labs? I can't find them on the web or in Audiogon's Manufacturer list.
Bill, I can't wait for your full-blown review, congratulations Dude
(you and your preamp also) !
It's an amazing thing to hear a TRL component break in. Just when you think everything is set and you've heard all it can deliver- bam - you get more. Leaves you shaking your head a lot.
Paul had put about 100 hours on them before I got them. I will let all on this thread know how they improve with time.

Bill you haven't heard anything until they are fully broken in. My M-225's (Samson) have about 350 hours and they are still iimproving. They need at least 500 hours and Brian says even after 6 months they will still improve.
Enjoy, they will just get better. Keep us posted on the breaking process.
Here are my comments after the first two days of listening.

I listened to amps for 6.5 hours yesterday and plan to listen more tonight. I leave them on so they should be settled in even more tonight.

The amps are named Samson and they bear that name on the front - no longer M225's.

Guys, I really can't contain myself and am having a hard time putting into words what I am experiencing. I am writing down things as I experience them on my CD's.

So very special.

I didn't know an amp could play music in what seems like a new dimension. Hard to explain, but music has a life and presence that no stereo I have heard matches.

I am also experiencing instruments and instrumental lines that before were masked or totally lost in the recording. What used to be background is now easy to follow and becomes part of the musical event. What was never heard before now emerges from a silent background as the music just floats/flows all around me with effortless yet dramatic presence.

Live music. Not a stereo! These must be heard to fully understand how they bring music to a room. Other amps are boys and Samson is a man - fully developed and in charge. I like that! Ha! I think that catches my feelings pretty well.

Every new disc brings forth another instrument that has never sounded so real, so there. The scale and beauty of the music is so live and effortless.

I cannot write more right now as my mind gets all tangled up trying to put into words the live event I am experiencing.

I just feel so blessed to have these in my home.


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Thanks for the note and the compliment on the gear, I do like me some VAC!

Happy Holidays all, I'm out of this thread....
Clio, genuine curiosity question as I have no dog in this hunt, why would TRL send you and email between them and Tvad? Are you affiliated with them somehow or just a customer?
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You sabotaged my attempt to hear the amps out of
sour grapes, it seems.
Tvad (Threads | Answers)

I don't get that statement at all and it's the furthest thing from the truth. Any attempt to hear these amps is a business transaction between you and TRL solely.

I do agree with you that the comparison being planned by Rx8man will be productive, and based on my previous conversations with him about it, am looking forward to it myself. IIRC Grannyring has done some comparisons as well and will be posting what should be quite an informative review. These events combined should definitely provide enough information for others to benefit from.

Keep us posted Rx8man.
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And now for the weather, cloudy, snow squalls and bone-ass cold for the next 3 months.

If all goes well here, the M-225's will go up against my own (NuForce 9 V-2 SE) and two friends amps, (ARC REF 300 MK.II) and (Spectron Musician III SE MK.II Monos)
(did I get all the MK's and points correct ?)

Anyway, this will be done, regardless what ANY audio forum thread postings say, do or feel is possible, it's for my own satisfaction (or yours) and to share with the community, if thou cares to listen.

So, lets move along and have a "Happy Hobby Holiday"
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Tvad, you felt it was important to post the first paragraph. What was wrong with the second paragraph? You had nothing to lose by posting it. After all it was you who said in an earlier post that you understood that TRL amps did not increase power into more difficult loads.

Do the M-225 double power as impedance is halved?
My understanding is they do not.

Paul Weitzel answered your question and you omitted the answer. You owed it to the readers of this thread to post the entire response from Paul Weitzel.

I don't blame you for not wanting to try something before you buy. However, as you said let's move on. Now go find a APL post to play on would you. No more whining about your request being rejected by TRL. You and I both know the history here. Not to mention, you have no direct experience with TRL equipment and can't contribute anything meaningful to this thread in that regard.
I'm glad this thread picked up and doesn't turn into a circus act.

I'd like trying a pair soon after my new job picks up (last week sucked with the pre-holiday lay-off bonus)

Nice hearing from everyone, it's a moral boost.
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TVAD, is that what I said?

One must also consider past history. Isn't there an APL thread you can go play on?

BTW - for the rest following this thread some other information from Paul that was provided to Tvad in the second paragraph of his email response (which Tvad omitted) and that might be of interest:

"The amp is single-nded (rca) on the input, and normal
dual-Cardas output posts. It does around 300W into 8 ohm,
about double that for 4-ohm loads, and not sure what it does at 2. We've never heard it clip or distort. I can tell
when my $140K GTR800 amp starts compressing bass when played real loud with a tough load."

So it appears that the amp will increase power into tougher loads.

I think Grannyring's testament is quite revealing of what to expect when you own any TRL gear. This coming from someone who has posted an impressive list of equipment that they had previous to TRL.

Bill - glad you're enjoying the cables. Quite the monster's aren't they with all that solid core copper. Any thought to trying a set of TRL speakers?
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My new M225's are coming in Monday. I will post my initial comments and a full review soon. I moved up to the TRL Dude tubed preamp and M225 mono's from by S225 integrated amp.

Tvad is correct as most every TRL owner knows this stuff is very special indeed. The new Dude tubed preamp is an absolute marvel my friends.

I also own Paul's speaker and power cables as well as his highly modified Sony CD player with battery power supply.

I purchased all of this over the last year or so. His stuff is so good it's like a whole new medium to replay music has emerged in my music room. I have an audio friend that has a way with words and I will steal a line from him here. The TRL gear I have owned makes the other gear I have owned sound like toys. Ha!

What's important is we all share our experiences in an honest and even passionate manner. I have always done this as well as other passionate posters. This is how we all learn about awesome gear from the big boys to the small and silent.

Have fun!
Thanks for checking the return option out. I also see your point about no dealer network. I live in the boonies so have never had the opportunity of in-home trails with exception on a kind VonSchweikert dealer who drove about three hours and set up my speakers with a 30 day guarantee. I kept them and he went out of business when VS went to on line sales.
Clio thanks for the offer of contact.
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Posts in other threads have stated that in-home trials are not offered by TRL, so I have never pursued it.
Tvad (Threads | Answers)

Why rely on what's posted in other threads? Why not call TRL directly and ask them about a return privilege? I assume based on statements you've made in this thread (and others) that you've called other manufacturers about their equipment and return privileges. What's stopping you from picking up the phone and calling TRL? If anything you could get the information direct from the source and post it here for all to benefit.

Unless TRL policy has been changed,from my dealings with them money back guarantees were the norm. Maybe someone else can chime in and verify one way or the other.

Gammajo - feel free to contact me offline if you care to discuss TRL products. I owned the D-225, and still own the battery powered Pre-1.5. I'll also be getting a Dude early next year. I'll try to help you in any way I can, as I have for other who have contacted me about TRL, including Rx8man who posted here.
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I thank everyone so far for posting, It is my hope that folks will post that love the equipment and perhaps can comment on strengths/weakness and the associated equipment that has been synergistic. I would also appreciate hearing from anyone who auditioned or purchased and felt something else was better. I think there is enough buzz that the amps merit their own thread.

I am not comfortable with the idea of asking manufacturers for auditions unless I am quite certain that I will buy their stuff. Plus I often buy used, so I have relied for years of the opinions that I garner here with great success in terms of my satisfaction with what has been recommended. Once someone gives their opinion I am happy to look up their other posts and system to put their opinion in context and to email them to start a more in depth conversation.

Your answer is fair. There is no doubt that the most important aspect with any amp is how it interfaces with your speaker. If you call TRL and are able to arrange a trail with return privileges I will accept your findings.

If I am not mistaken you own a Pass amp which are excellent. As we know everyone has their own musical tastes and requirements. Let us know if you get the opportunity to try TRL.
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Yes I own these amps. Tvad is correct, my search is over and now I just enjoy music. No more concerns about what the next great amp might be. I am listening right now to Tchaikovsky's "Nutcracker" and enjoying every minute.

Given TRL a call and tell them what you are looking for.

Tvad instead of being cynical of every TRL thread my recommendation is to first hand try the M-225's in your own system and them post a review here on Audiogon.
I'll save Tvad the trouble of reading my comments on the M-225's (as I owned the stereo version D-225).

My advice is to call TRL and arrange to get a pair. Listen for yourself. If you don't like them send the amps back for a refund. Pretty simple really.
Joe, maybe they are that good, they seem fairly affordable.

I've heard and read claims to fame with lots of estoteric equipment that grace the front pages of every audio rag known to man, now you can't even get into posting threads here without getting a frickin hammer over your head.

I'm curious about the amps too, so maybe for all-purpose sakes we can arrange an audition and skip this place for answers ?

$$$$$ = protection and advertising rights.
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