Attn Vinyl lovers - what CD Player do you use?

While reading through the many threads on Vinyl vs. CD, I thought it might be interesting to see what CD transports/players Vinyl fans use when not listening to their analog rig?
I have a Naim CDS3. I listen to CD's about 35% of the time. I actually prefer opera on CD (longer sides and MUCH easier to find my place in the libretto). For other classical music, CD's can be better where the lp was not well-mastered and subject to break up. But, for jazz and pop vocals, CD's rarely match LP's for their presence and liveliness.

The Naim CDS3 is a great CD player, one that I much prefer over the Sony SCD-1 SACD player that it replaced in my system. But, if one is looking for a CD player that sounds most like an LP set up, I would suggest looking at Audionote DAC's. I've heard the DAC 4 balanced and the DAC 5 signature, and they are terrific, albeit at breathtaking prices.

By the way, my analogue rig is a Basis Debut V (vacuum) table, Vector arm and Lyra Titan cartridge.
What do I think of the TRL modded 595 Sony? It took about 3 weeks or better to break in, but your initial thoughts are correct. This player defies all logic. It's inexpensive, is a lightweight at 12 pounds, yet sounds more analog and more accurate than other considerably more expensive players I had considered.

I've found myself not listening to reel tape playback and LP's as much as I used to. Digital used to fatigue me, I'd get maybe an hour of listening in at best. Now I listen longer than I should, which has my Wife a little upset, but hey, the music is good!

I'd hook the TRL 595 up and give it a listen, then get back to me.

Well, after minimal burn in the TRL Sony 595 sounds very very good already to my ears. It has an immediacy, smoothness, detail and presence that I have only heard in TT/analog setups.
I will keep you posted and probably do some kind of review on AA or here after a few weeks after full burn in.
Just wanted to check to confirm that my very initial impressions were not just new buyers goggles (or ears).
Thanks for the info.
I have a Jolida JD100 which is about as good a cdp I have heard at any price. gets very little play time. Whenever I listen to a seedee I feel as though I am wasting precious time which could be spent listening to a rekkid......
