Audiogon Mods….Help please!

Another year gone by and we saw no major advancements with our beloved forum.

Will you please look into implementing following options under date and time stamp 🔽 menu. Hopefully these features may help keep our discussions on track and civilized.

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Thank you for your kind consideration!


@mapman What audio forums do you have to pay for? I'm not aware of any. Audiogon forums certainly aren't as good as many other free one's!

This site isn’t much different or any more user friendly than it was when I first started way back when. Way behind the times. It is what it is I suppose. Better than nothing at all. I know there is a lot of expense involved with running a modern e commerce site. I guess business is not booming enough to ever consider any major enhancements. Always best to keep with the times if at all possible but maybe the thought here is it’s good enough to get the job done still for now. Que sera sera

Whenever I try to search the items "Ending Today" I usually have to scroll through many pages of records (LP's) for sale.

Surely there must be some way to filter them out.
