Audiomods Tonearm.....

Inquiring about the Audiomods tonearm last week and here is the response from Jeff. This sounds exciting!!!

I have very limited availability of the Series Five arms now because I am working on the next version, which should be ready this Spring. Though it will use lot of the Series five elements, it will be a major departure based around a carbon fibre/aluminium composite arm tube and should include azimuth adjustment and be available as 9 and 10.5" version.There will be an upgrade path from the Series Five arms.I don't have any pictures or more details because I've commissioned arm tube parts that won't be with me until March.

Agree with above assessment.

Have had my Audiomods 6 on my new Feickert Volare about a month.  The arm is fantastic, very high quality and function for the price.  The feel is wonderful; my Hana ML tracks great with this arm.


No brainer for the money IMO.

@williewonka I absolutely love mine. I don't think I've heard another tonearm that provides the level of performance that the Audiomods 6 does in its price range. If you look at what you're getting: carbon fiber wand, VTA on the fly, silver litz wire loom... these are things that are only seen in much more expensive tonearms. IMO, I don't think it can be beaten at its price...


It's quite nice. Punches above it's price point since there are no dealers involved. It comes with a ton of accessories in the box. Be sure to ask Jeff if you need a spacer or not.



Post removed 

I'm curious too. My Audiomods Series V is wondering whether it will be getting some international travel sometime. So far, the downtime and shipping risk have kept me from pursuing it. Cheers,


Looking to resurrect this old post to get shared experiences with the latest Audiomods tonearm. Especially compared to the some of the more expensive competitors (SME, Tri-Planar, Acoustic Signature, etc.)

Does the series 6 use a din style lead connection or perhaps a 
continuous run, took a look at the site but didn't see it noted?  
I have put the Series Six on a SOTA Cosmos and a Brinkmann Bardo, it is a very nice arm for either table. Used an Ortofon A90 and ZYX 4D which had MSRP of $4K when first offered. They are still pretty capable cartridges, and the Model Six works very well with them. 
Pulled the trigger on the series 6.  At this price it's a bit of a no-brainer.  Mounting it on a SOTA sapphire, where it will replace a Rega RB600. 

Currently, the 6 is going for just over $1200 USD if my math is correct which from the sounds of it is an insane buy.  The only reason I haven't pulled the trigger yet is that I'm unsure how good a cartridge I can use with it.   Is it good enough to use with cartridges in the $3K to $4K range?
Waiting on my Series 6 to cross the pond to the States. Extra delays from the current situation. Ug. this is grueling haha. My new table and cartridge are sitting in front of my rig laughing at me daily.
But on a serious note, Jeff said he upgraded the internal wiring in recent batches. He described the difference as "not subtle".

Thinking about replacing my Rega RB-600 with an Audiomod Series 6. Such a value....

Major upgrade, IMHO.
Thinking about replacing my Rega RB-600 with an Audiomod Series 6.  Such a value.... 

I've received and mounted the Series 6 arm on my Rega Planar 25. Short story is that it's providing alot more clean and detailed information than the Rega RB250 w/ tecnoweight & Riggles VTAF I was using before. Loud passages that could sound a little hard or distorted before aren't any longer. Music that has a lot of subtle detail such as the cymbals on Take Five are just so nicely detailed it's like all of a sudden you've upgraded your record collection to audiophile pressings. It's a cliche' but it's like relearning your collection all over again.

Installation was simple however I had to add a small plastic furniture dot (like a felt pad dot only soft plastic) under each corner of the plinth where theTT lid touches as the vta knob was slightly too high for the lid to lower fully. Cartridge is a laughingly easy to mount. My only beef is the finger lift needs a re-design I think. It's a little awkward.
There's a couple of threads that've been started elsewhere but this one includes a couple of posts and pics from people who have already received theirs. Mine should be shipped soon.

Yes please provide a review and feedback. I will be anxiously waiting for more info! :-)
I ordered one as well. Cannot wait for it to arrive, estimated completion is end of April.

I have a pdf of the new arm, but I can't post it on here.  I can send it via email if anyone would like...

Would you be able to share any more details or photos Jeff may have provided? Regards. Joe
I have ordered the Series 6. I'm somewhere around order #140 and should have it in early May. It's quite a fabulous looking arm and the fact that it now has azimuth adjustment makes it a no brainer at the price of 900 pounds.

The break in period is for real ! It's amazing how much the sound changes as it gets some time on it.....
Very exciting! I have a Series V with micrometer and silver wiring option that is going on my new currently-being-manufactured Sota Nova new Series VI. Can't wait to get my ears on it! 
If anyone learns more about the new version, please post! Cheers,
Yes indeed, thanks for the update. I agree with MoFi, Jeff's arms are a tremendous bargain. I have greatly enjoyed his series IV arm.
Thanks for the info!  I have a couple of Jeff's arms and find them to be one of the biggest bargains out there.

Highly recommended...