Audioquest question

I currently use Audioquest RCA's for interconnects and I'm considering updating my preamp. Most preamps/integrated have RCA connections in the rear that are vertical and close to each other. The Cary Audio SL-100 has horizontal connections that are several inches apart. The AQ cables are only separated by a couple of inches before it becomes one cable. Can they be separated---what should I do? Get different cables or can these be separated? Thanks guys!
Kimber, Wireworld, Cullen Cable, Blue Jeans.......all excellent! Quality Made interconnects! 

@jwpstayman Excellent point!! What are some good shielded cables for Cary Audio and Bel Canto? I will eventually upgrade my AC cords as well. Thx!
@bluorion   What interconnect lengths do you need?  How much can you invest in cables that work with the Cary pre.?
@hifiman5 One meter each: 2 RCAs, 2 AC Power cords and 1 XLR. I'd like to stay around $800 if possible? 
Why don't you call AQ or your dealer and have them made to your needs? They do answer the phone.