Axpona 2019

List your best stops on Friday. Lobby bar not included.

1. Sanders
2. Spatial
3. Vimberg 

I am barely 1/2 thru as of Friday eve.

I need yours asap for the weekend please.
I hit a few seminars on saturday.
Turntable setup: was good pretty basic  stuff.
Critical listining: ehhh.  Not too good. Lots of people getting up and leaving during the presentation.
Future of hi-fi resolution: good. Interesting. Informative.

Classes would be better as 1/2 hour max. Better topics would help. Restrooms on 3-16 inadequate.
The Show Seems well attended. Anyone see:
-Laufer Teknik’s "The Note" line array speaker at $38k
-Bayz Audio Tube Speaker at $99k
-Gryphon played at 92db average. My ears were shot after that.
-ATC 50’s were amazingly defining. Perhaps to bright on the top though.
-PS Audio- Forget Arnie's Legacy. The prototype was awful-Sorry Paul!
 Consider room correction. Paradigm Persona used it and their speakers
sounded excellent. Anthem unit he said. Seems to me ALL the rooms need one.
if possible go to Emerald Physics room 478 (I think) their new monitor sounds like an eye opener/jaw dropper at least in the bass

also the Deep-Core is there as well 

Post pics if you can
I've never been to Axpona but I'm going to try and go next year. Besides listening rooms, what other exhibits to they have? Can you buy vinyl, supplies etc? The classes sound fun---this would a great way to get more young people interested in the hobby. There should be a Audiophile 101 class for beginners.
I hope everyone has a safe trip home

It was lot of fun, great new gear and seminar sessions. Check it out,

Hopefully you can attend this year or visit RMAF (Denver) later this year. IMO, these are two best shows currently in North America.