Most people dont recognize the acoustical impact of our own room in the rendition of the CHOICES and TRADE-OFF in the original room or studio recording by the engineer...
Perfect recording DONT EXIST........
These 2 acoustics the original one and our own room mix together...
Not only on the count of imaging and soundstage but more importantly also about the timbre of voices and instruments...
There is 2 possibilities :
First you own an OPTIMALLY acoustically controlled room...The state of the art...
But this will cost way more than the costlier audio system...
Second you can study acoustic and use his principles to manage your own room et low cost...
I can in my room at will direct the sound and completely change all imaging, soundstage timbre and others acoustic cues...
In some recording i can have an out of the head headphone effect, all music surrounding my head but not in my head like an headphone...
In some other voices coming from back and front simultaneously...
In some recording the instruments are beside me on each side...
In some others the music fill in the room , not from back or beside me not between the speakers, but float in the room...
Acoustic is Queen...
The choices of pieces of gear which we own for most of us really dont matter more than acoustic matter at the end...The only exception is very bad piece of gear,,,,