Synergistic Designers Reference? FIM? XLO?
I like the Illuminations Orchid! Try many cables untill you find the one that works the best with your equipment. by the way its hard to recomend a cable without knowing your system. check out the cable company, they have a loaner system. Good luck.
I have a Levinson front end, but preferred the Cardas AES/EBU to Madrigal's own digital cable.
Yes, a cable that sounds best in one system doesn't necessarily sounds better than other cables in a different system, but when many systems are analysed, it becomes possible to find a cable that sounds better than others on the vest majority of systems - because of it's design superiority :-)
I agree with "no best". I have used Cardas, Illuminations Orchid, and AudioTruth Falcon. In my system the Falcon was the best followed by the Cardas and then the Orchid. If you were to do a survey on these 3 I would expect the Orchid would come out on top--which is why I bought one in the first place--but in my system it did not.
There is no "best", there's only "best synergy"...for me it happens to be Purist (salve Albert) or XLO Limited. (greetings Adsal)
None of the mentioned - becasue the best is STEALTH Varidig: