Best and Worst customer service?

My vote goes for Sonic Frontiers, as Best! I was contacted within an hours, after e-mailing a question. Wery friendly and helpfull!(they can count me-in on the next purchase) Thw Worst? Linn audio! It's been over a month since i submited a Q! I am stll e-mailing the question...i am sort of amused by now!

I've been in this hobby for about 50 years. Hands down, worst service ever was Shanling of China. They've had a long history of reliability issues and have very little interest in customer support.

Eversolo /Zidoo.   My Dad's A6 streamers USB quit working after their latest firmware.   Denied there were any problems...   but at the same time others are having issues with USB.   

I asked them for the last firmware, they said no that's dangerous.    So after them insisting there were no FW  problems,  I let them know there were only 5 days left on the warranty,  could I please send it in.   Silence, they totally ignored my request for warranty service.   That was 6/22.      

I thought it was a decent streamer but unfortunately I can no longer recommend Eversolo.   



I let them know there were only 5 days left on the warranty, could I please send it in. Silence, they totally ignored my request for warranty service. That was 6/22.

There’s no excuse for that. They owe you service as long as you can document that they were notified of the trouble prior to the warranty expiration. I hope you press them to make things right.