Well, back in the day, I agree that Roxy Music's "Avalon" was the ticket. Jorma's "Quah" album was pretty good as well. Of course, depending on the personality of the partner, Sinatra, the Grateful Dead's "Live in Europe", Moby's "Play", the Beatles, or even some old AC/DC or Nine Inch Nails proved to be successful. I guess it depends on the mood, personality, and enhancements (wine, martinis, tequila, or other vices) to determine success. For me, Bryan Ferry was the ultimate smooth guy. ,
I once French kissed a beautiful girl through the entire slow movement of Bruckners 8th symphony. A very loooong and intense kiss. Delicious. No joke. Regards jet
I'm in the camp of whatever she wants to hear,but trust me when I ask I'm holding a bottle of wine and two glasses unless she brought a girlfriend with her... then 2 bottles of wine and three glasses.
When I had a horrible hangover I listened to Eagles and than immediately ran into wee-wee-room... After that I fealt much better:-). I guess that I need to buy some Britney Speers or Aqua albums for such ocasions;).
Vivaldi...the 4 seasons...red wine...dim the lights...time to start cuttin some carpet....or movin some furniture...for those that like to get "buck wild"...James Brown can do the trick...hope somebody is gettin "some"...Lord knows I aint....
I actually prefer no "background" music at all. The sounds of lovemaking are musical enough, at least if you're doing it right. I'm sorry, but I don't need Smokey Robinson or Billie Holiday butting in. I'll promise to devote my full attention to them later if I can devote my full attention to her now.
Oh, you mean BEFORE the interlude? In that case, I'm with Tom (Twl)--I'll play Sonny and Cher or Grandpa Jones if that's what she digs.
The kind of music that gets me into the mood, is whatever kind of music gets her into the mood! I'm well into the mood before we ever even make it home to the house!
Seriously, there are alot of different things that can push the button. Properly determining the "correct mood" can be a significant factor. Do you play Jeffery Osborne's "Stay With Me Tonight", or Duncan Browne's "The Wild Places", or do you go with something like Elvis's "Love Me Tender" or Ravel's "Bolero".
It's sort of like trying to catch the wind. If you put up the right sail, you are in for a great ride. If you don't, you just sit there going nowhere.
It's also a good idea to have an auto-lift, like the Expressimo Audio Lifter, so you don't have to get up when the record is over. May be quite inconvenient at the time.
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