best speakers for vocals?

Hi, I was wondering what people's thoughts are on speakers that are best for vocal centric music? I am looking for speakers that are best at reproducing vocals, especially female in the most lifelike, 3-dimensional, airy, emotional manner. I am trying to recreate a lifelike, live show, front row sound. To this end, I prefer a speaker that can create a holographic soundstage with a palpable vocal sound with some weight.

I listen mainly to jazz, pop, adult contemporary, down tempo.

My budget is < $15,000.
Hi Everyone. Let's keep this thread going. How about standmounts below 5k...very good with vocals and piano (rich, full and expressive ) and a pair with strong central image. Thanks 
Clearwave Duet 6 monitors. There's a demo pair from the maker here on A'gon for less than what I paid. :-(

Since they're already broken in, you can readily decide if they're what you want within the 15 day trial period, which still applies.

Vocals, piano, percussion or anything acoustic comes across very convincingly, not to mention everything else. These speakers do it all.
I've gotten the best results placing them directly on solid maple stands, using 18ga Mapleshade Double Helix speaker cables, a match made in heaven.

All the best,
Absolutely try Omega Super Alnico Monitor ($2K) - fantastic reproduction of female voice and acoustic instruments, clarity, imaging, the whole package, very efficient, and at least based from posts on multiple forums, work very well with tubes, especially SETs.
You have  to listen ,but  you have to considerate only 3  way
design. Two way  falls to reproduce midrange to
compare 3 way.period