I am using The Fostex FT7RP Ribbon Tweeter, It was very cheap $168ish pair but sounds absolutely wonderful for the money. Have not heard the others mentioned although I have friends abroad that are using the Townsend and all rave about it. I am eager to have a listen for myself, but in the meantime I am happy with the sounds the cheapy FT7RP is making.
Best super teeters to add to pair of horn speakers
I have a set of Odeon Tosca horns (or semi horns as they also have coventional moving coil bass drivers).Think company sells anther S version of speaker but am thinking I have seen well contructed super tweeter units sold by Tannoy,Fostex and others.Think I have even seen some ribon units availible.A nuber of folks with otherwise fine speakers like Qauds with their rolled of high ends have gone this route and thought I might give atry.Anybody with knowledge of brands or their implementation and use who could give me some pointers would be appreciated.
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