Boltz CD racks?

I am considering purchasing a Boltz CD rack and am wondering if anyone has experience with these racks on berber carpets? They look like they could easily topple? I know they offer a wall mount stabilizing bar to ensure that this doesn't happen, but I would love to be able to use these without putting any holes in the walls! Any thoughts/experiences would be appreciatedv - thanks!
I have two sets (330 & 660) of these racks on berber and loaded down they are very stable. However, they do offer the wall connector and larger feet. The larger feet may actually come with the newer stands. I have the feet but never used them because I didn't like how they looked.

Before I had it loaded with cds I did take the precaution of using some fishing line and a picture hanger nail that was nailed into where the studs were located. This secured it to the wall. After it got loaded about 2/3, I took the fishing line and nails off. Nail holes were easy to fill in too.
I've been using Boltz racks at home and in the office for about six years and have always used the wall bracket. In earthquake prone Los Angeles, I wouldn't feel safe without it.
Thanks for the responses! I think I will get them, is there a best place to purcahse from for price, or is it pretty much the same everywhere???
I have a Boltz cd rack too.Loaded with cd's shouldn't tip over,unless it gets pushed.They have the feet that stabilize them further.Mine sits on hardwood floor however.I thought the assembly was time consuming.Yes one side panel arrived with a slight curve obviously from shipping but no big deal,and once put together the curve goes away.
You can order direct from Boltz.They run specials all the time and once you becomer a customer they keep e-mailing you with product update announcements.
Good luck
Don't understand how wall bracket works. Fork of bracket is meant to ride the rod but the only place this can occur, for it to be pressed and not slip out, is between the threaded wing nut and the acorn nut. To do this, you would have to jam the fork into the threaded end of the rod which basically ruins the threading and offers a very poor solution for adjustment, etc.

Also, CD's do fall over the edge whish is a pain and instructions are not very clear. All in all, I'm not satisfied with the Boltz CD Rack and don't understand why it is recommended by Stereophile.