Brands that have the least depreciation

Which high end brands have the best resale values? 
As it has been said, McIntosh, Thorens, Marantz, ARC and others. I think particular models of brands are even more indicative of this. Some JBL speaker models, maybe the Garrard 301, some Marantz, Sansui, Pioneer receivers of the USA glory days of massive models, many of the models of McIntosh equipment. There is a vintage guy here in Ohio, Wooster Vintage Audio and he really finds great old Mac gear for resale.
I've had good luck with McIntosh over the years. It doesn't make it better than some of the other brands. I also don't think McIntosh sales are really driven as much by advertising as history. It's a brand that has been out since the 40's. Over the years they have developed a reputation for good quality and good sound (sound subjective for me anyway). Sometimes it's so hard to audition some of the other great brands because of distribution. I have the McIntosh 601's, and love them, but would I have picked another brand if I had the opportunity to listen to them for any length of time? Perhaps. In this price range more people (around the world) know exactly what they are getting from McIntosh new or used. That said, McIntosh still offers only a 3 year, non transferable warranty on their electronics compared to someone like Bryston at 20 years.
Back in the early 80s, Dynaco Stereo 70s could be had all day long for $50 - $75. Dyna MK-IIIs could be had for $100 - $125 a pair. I wish I would have filled my garage up with them at the time, and cashed out about now. 


+1 Aberyclark

With the post-pandemic price increase I can sell my Luxman integrated for more than I bought it.  😂

I have doubled my money on McIntosh gear, after enjoying it for a few years .   Kind of like Ferrari,  McIntosh will always have people who will buy what they want, regardless of cost,  maybe for nostalgic reasons, maybe status symbol....who knows but both have little depreciation and generous appreciation once they are a certain vintage.    

I buy to hopefully achieve better sound,  at this point I really don't care about the resale.    As I write , I'm sitting here listening to my system.... it's never sounded better.  So good I'm afraid to touch it.,.    My latest toy, a Zesto Leto preamp has really enhanced my system, like next level realism.     I got a great deal, the resale is irrelevant to me .   It will probably be the last preamp I buy.

Easier in the thread I posted Mark Levinson to be a good candidate. I purchased my ML no. 334 in 2003 for $6,500.00. I resold it to TMR Audio last fall for $3,200. cash. The unit was never serviced or recapped. Pretty good return on investment. 

I moved into Naim and would like to add them to my list. I really like their sound and their unlimited upgrade path.