Comedy Albums

I've always been a fan of comedians. I have some classic comedy albums. The follows.

The Button-Down Mind Of Bob Newhart by Bob Newhart

My Son, The Nut by Allan Sherman

Let's Get Small by Steve Martin

I have everything George Carlin put out on vinyl

Child of the 50's by Robert Klein

Here's Johnny Carson Tonight Show LP

Hello Dummy! by Don Rickles

How about you?
Gotta include the original Cosby albums from the 60s (Why is there Air, I Started Out as a Child, etc.) and probably Gallagher, just 'cause that was as original & outrageous as anything at that time...
Mr hosehead had my idea on Bill Cosby I would add "To Russel my brother whom I slept with", "200 m.p.h." and etc.
The first three that come to my mind are:

Bob and Ray "The Two and Only"
The Rutles (Also known as the Prefab 4, a musical parody of The Beatles)
National Lampoon, "That's Not Funny, That's Sick."

Probably too far out for most, but also the Bickersons, "Rematch" was a good one. Wiki,Bickersons
Woody Allen's recording of his live show (Stand Up?) was hilarious. From the '70s IIRC.
In one of my vinyl acquisitions, I aquired a comedy album called "The First Family" by Vaughn Meader. It was a parody of President John F. Kennedy and his administration. It's very dated and you would have to have grown up during that time period to appreciate the humor. I remember Lenny Bruce saying that after Kennedy was shot, they should have dug two graves - one for Kennedy, the other for Vaughn Meader's career.
Your collection will not be complete without Richard Pryor. "Is it Something I Said?' is an example of classic Richard at his best.
my long time favorite has been No Cure For Cancer by Dennis Leary. I enjoy most everything by Lewis Black and have been into Carlin recently.
Stan Freberg's History of America

W. C. Fields actually recorded a music album which is hilarious titled Uncle Bill Socks it To Ya

Monty Python's Contractual Obligation Album

Anna Russell Sings???

Just to name a few of my favorites, there are other great suggestions on this thread, too
Definitely Bill Cosby- I still play "Noah" to my 8th grade Bible class when we cover the flood.
Firesign theatre
Rodney Dangerfield
Abucktwoeighty-- Back in college (early 70's) we used to say Abuckthreeeighty. Maybe too many e's.