DarTZeel Preamp

Does anyone have experience with the new DarTZeel NHB 18NS Preamplifier? A few 'Goners have commented on hearing the unit at 2005 CES, but I was wondering in particular if anyone has purchased one, or heard one in a familiar system or at a dealer for instance. Thanks.
Oneobgyn: You might be confusing an amp that is broken in and had been turned on and after 5 minutes is at 90% vs. an amplifier which has not been broken in at all. Again, this is very definitive and everyone has reported the same experience. If you had ordered one from me, I would have told you about the break-in, just like I did for eveyone else. At that point, I am sure you would completely understand and agree.

BTW... Since I am the one that was very hesitant to recommend you try the LAMM ML2.1's with the Wilson Alexandria, I am glad I was wrong and you are so pleased!
OB, i was not referring to the ML2.1's with my reference to typical SET warmth or limitations. i should have expected that you might take my comments to refer to your amps; sorry; that was NOT my intention at all. i would guess we both agree that in those areas the ML2.1's are very much not typical. warmth and limitations in dynamics and frequency extention are typical of most SET's in my experience.

BTW, i would expect that my reaction to the ML2.1's in your system would be similar to other visitors; i would expect it to sound great.

reading your comments regarding my 'flowery prose'.....when you say "anyone who has the same emotional involvement with the amp in their system" i assume you mean that any person with ANY amp (not specifically the darTZeel) might have the same perceptions. to a degree i can see your point. where i would disagree would be the affect with the darTZeel 'system' to somehow strip away a layer or two of distortion. like you i have listened to lots of gear......nothing has even approached what i percieve to be happening with the dart pre in my system.......and that is just using AC power. when i get a full production unit that uses battery it will go even further down this road.

i've certainly never assigned these attributes to any other amp or preamp; and i've heard quite a few pretty good ones.

i could be totally delusional and under the influence of the 'entity'......or my interpretation of the darTZeel's performance could be correct.
Fsarc; i am not currently using battery mode. i did previously twice briefly (15 minutes total) hear this pre in battery mode and it was spooky good. this pre-production model is not fully sorted out so i am avoiding the battery mode.

what i heard during those brief glimses into the battery mode was a focus and naturalness that was unique. my perceptions on this are provisional; it takes time to get a handle on what is actually happening. the one thing that i heard that got me very excited was the additional micro dynamics and 'jump' factor in battery mode......very explosive and real sounding.

i can't wait for an extended session of battery mode listening.

"Also- what if Jeff Fritz had written a review of the Wilson X-2s or EMM DAC 6/CDSD and it was basically the same "tone" as the Dart review- honest, good reporting of what he heard, but felt these components were not competitive at their given price range. Fair enough?"

I honestly don't ever let a review or reviewer ever sway me one way or another. I have said time and again...for me it always boils down to 2 things...my ears and my wallet and I could care less what anyone ever had to say. After all it is my ass that sits in the sweet spot. Pick your flavor gentlemen


"BTW... Since I am the one that was very hesitant to recommend you try the LAMM ML2.1's with the Wilson Alexandria, I am glad I was wrong and you are so pleased!"

Yes you were and yes I amp

I recently had my Ref 3 in for the upgrade where 4 bypass caps were added
The rep who did it is here in Campbell Ca. He made an interesting comment to me. He said that all too often he sees people chasing the "upgrade" ladder and never seem to be happy with what they have. He said at some point one must step back, enjoy what they have and just enjoy the music. I must admit that I am as guilty as any one else posting here but I am pretty much done until Meitner releases there alleged big upgrade for their DAC in the coming year. As far as amps, I feel I have arrived.

I am trying merely to get a feel for everyone's comments about the DarT.

Mike Lavigne

"when you say "anyone who has the same emotional involvement with the amp in their system" i assume you mean that any person with ANY amp (not specifically the darTZeel) might have the same perceptions".

Yes that was what I intended on saying

"Meitner releases there alleged big upgrade for their DAC in the coming year"

Can you give us more information?
As I said "alleged"

I spoke to Andreas Koch (who is a neighbor of mine)last week. They were to have released an upgrade with ceramic rather than silicone boards however talking to him, they weren't that pleased withthe sound and are continuing to work on it.

As well the newest DAC6e now comes with Meitner's discrete DAC's and not those previously dictated by Sony--somewhat of an improvement. The newest version also have a gloss rather than satin finish on the front.

Having said all of this Andreas tells me they would like to come out with a "package" of upgrades with makes for a definite sonic improvement. This hopefully might materialize next year.

The other little known fact is that the newest DCC2 does not (as yet) come with the discrete DAC's....only the newest DAC6e. The newest CDSD has the ability for future firmware upgrades and those who have this new unit, be advised that there is available a firmware upgrade which can be done by inserting the CD-ROM for installation.

Lastly, the newest CDSD with the newest DAC6e has the ability to upsample to 2X DSD. For whatever reason however it does not sound as good as DSD
Wow. Thanks for the information.

As far as the 2X DSD, the CDSD can switch between 1x fs and 2x fs by pressing the Alt-Play-Stop buttons simultaneously. Pressing the above button combination switches the 1x/2x multiplier. So pressing/releasing, pressing/releasing cycles 1xfs --> 2xfs --> 1xfs... and so on.

The DCC2 will lock with the CDSD at 1xfs and 2xfs. The DAC6 will only lock on 1xfs. I have the DCC2 and have tried switching multipliers. I can hear a difference between the 2. I prefer 2xfs.

In my particular CDSD, you can tell what multiplier you are listening to by looking into the CDSD through the transport draw and looking at the board to the right of the transport mechanism. There is an array of 4 green lights. The left most light is always off. The second and third light are always on. The fourth light goes on and off depending on the multiplier.

Light is off == 2xfs
Light is on == 1xfs

This is only when a CD is in the transport. When an SACD layer is active, all lights are off.

Jafox, thanks for the comments. i agree that obvious 'raves' like mine do typically require a reader's personal experience to become credible. it CAN be arranged.

a couple of weeks ago i did have some visitors to investigate my perceptions of what the dart pre was doing in my system.......although they were hesitant to identify what was doing what......they were pretty taken with what they heard; compared to other previous sessions in my room.

i have not tried the K-S Emotion in my system. when i get the production version of the dart pre i will be investigating how regular cables will compare with the BNC approach of the dart. if i get the chance i'll try the K-S.....they are on my short list of cables i'd like to try.

As best as I am aware the DAC6e with the discrete DAC's is the only unit which can read 2X DSD.The DCC2 does NOT have the discrete Meitner DAC's so I am unsure what you are hearing
I lied. I just verified with Philip O'Hanlon and it is the NEW CDSD which upsamples to 2X DSD. Either the DCC2 or the DAC6e will be able to read this
Rich- Great post and info. I didn't even know my CDSD had those "features". I couldn't see the array of green lights you described through the transport, but I removed the cover and discovered an array of four orange lights that toggle in the manner you described.

Looking from the front of the transport, left to right, they were labeled- D8 D7 D6 D4

D8 is always off
D7 and D6 are always on
D4 toggles between on and off with the ALT/PLAY/STOP buttons

My DCC2 locks onto either mode.

I'm just wondering if D4 is 2xfs or 1xfs when on or off since my array is a little different.

I haven't done any listening comparisons between the two.

The "default" mode was D4 "off", so I wonder if that is indeed 2xfs as described in the manual.

FYI, I have it on VERY good information that even the original CDSD upsampled to 2x DSD, and it did so automatically. I will try and confirm that tonight.
Battery Power....WOW!!!

an update on the darTZeel preamp.

a week ago i retrieved the darTZeel (pre-production) preamp from the distributor. i am still breaking in my 2 darTZeel NHB-108 amps (another 10 days to go) so this last week i've been investigating the internal phono stage of the dart pre; trying to put a few hours on it and wanting to compare it to my Lamm LP2 phone stage. when i previously had the dart pre i only listened briefly to the phono stage and my comparisons were were quite limited.

there were a few challenges i had to get my answers. first, some deep background.

my long-term reference cartridge has been the vdH Colibri XCP 8.5mv output. i have always loved the clarity, naturalness and explosiveness of this cartridge. over the last couple of years as my room and system changed; i found that the balance of the Colibri XCP had made many of my favorite recordings too edgy for my tastes. i had gone from my Tenor OTL's to the Tenor Hybrid amps; from my old very damped room to my new very live room, from my old forgiving Kharma Exquisites to the VR9's.......my system was much more alive and told me more but was unforgiving of the Colibri's vividness. so after playing around with the Colibri and trying different setup approaches i tried the Dynavector XV-1s. the XV-1s had a much lower gain (.24mv) but was much more forgiving.....i gave up some of the excitement of the Colibri but more of my music was enjoyable than with the Colibri.

during this same time i had been using the darTZeel amps on and off. one significant issue was that the darTZeel was not an ideal match for my Placette passive and Jena Labs switchbox. i did not get the gain with that combo that i had got with the Tenor Hybrids and the Placette. the darTZeel design without global negative feedback and lower overall gain still worked with the .85mv output of the Colibri but was quite marginal with the XV-1s at .24mv output. there were not only gain issues but also impedence issues when using my Placette.

in any case i had been enjoying the XV-1s thru the Tenors and Placette and also thru the darTZeel amps and Placette (although with less dynamics and gain).

then at RMAF, a friend offered to allow me to try his ZYX Universe cartridge (also .24mv output) as a change of pace to the Dynavector XV-1's. To properly audition the .24mv output ZYX i did re-install my Tenor's 10 days ago so would have enough gain to properly hear it. compared to the Dynavector i found the Universe to be less lush but more energetic, similar in some ways to the Colibri but more buttoned down.

fortunately, last Saturday i found out i could again try the dart pre so i drove to Portland and picked it up. i then removed the Tenors and reinstalled the dart amps and installed the dart pre. the dart pre only has the proprietary 'zeel' outputs active so i had no choice of amps. the ZYX Universe remained and during the last week i listened to the Universe thru the dart pre and dart phono stage. the Dart phono stage had plenty of gain for the Universe.

sorry for the long explaination; but without that background; the following wouldn't make much sense (it may still not).

this brings me to last night; the challenge......how to compare the Lamm LP2 phono stage and the dart pre internal phono stage. i friend came over yesterday about 4pm to lend his ears and moral support.

i found that when using the internal dart phono stage (which is listed at 62db of gain) i had plenty of gain for both the ZYX Universe and the Dynavector XV-1s. OTOH when playing the Lamm LP2 thru the dart pre and dart amps; there was not enough gain to properly judge the performance of the ZYX or Dynavector.

so.....if i wanted to compare the two phono stages; i would have to install my trusty Colibri with it's .85mv output; this would allow the Lamm to have plenty of gain thru the dart combo (when using the dart pre as strictly a line stage).

i actually removed the ZYX and installed another of my cartridges (a Colibri XGW .65mv output) first...but had some sort of hum issue; then i did install my Colibri XCP and did a rough (5 minute) setup.

first, into the Lamm. very nice; with plenty of gain the Lamm and Colibri made a beautiful combination......probably the best overall vinyl performance i had yet heard.

the playlist;

Buena Vista Social Club, 'Candela' Classic 45 version.

For Duke, 'Take the A Train', M&K DTD.

It Might As Well Be Swing, Sinatra/Basie, 'Fly Me To The Moon', Reprise original pressing.

Hasten Down The Wind, Linda Ronstad, 'Crazy', Asylum

Cantate Domino, 'Julsang', Proprius.

The Royal Ballet, all of side 1, Classic 33rpm reissue.

we eventually played many more but these were played initially on the ZYX, then the Colibri with the Lamm, and then the Colibri thru the internal dart phono stage.

i had not played the Colibri thru the dart pre before; i now heard the magic of the Colibri that had captivated me for three years. the naturalness of the dart pre, combined with the dart amps and Lamm was all there, similar in dynamics to the Tenor/Placette but less edgy and with more body and transparency. the Colibri was doing things i had not heard from the Universe in terms of overall naturalness and clarity; it sounded effortless....alive.

we now switched to the internal dart phono stage; things were the same but better somehow; much more microdynamic, lower noise floor, more expanded soundstage. overall, the complete picture was better.....not night and day...but better. even though the Lamm has tubes and the dart does not; you would have a hard time choosing which phono stage had tubes. the Lamm may have been slightly 'darker'......but tonality asnd textures were at least as good with the dart phono stage. the Colibri thru the dart phono stage was just a little more 'compelling' and involving.

remember, the dart phono stage had maybe 15 hours on it at this point, was a pre-production version, and had loading at 100 ohms (the Colibri likes 400-500 ohms ideally....the Lamm is loaded at 400 ohms)......and we were listening to the in AC mode.

at this point my friend turns to me and says...."ok Mike, you can sell the Lamm with no regrets"......which had been the question of the night. the Lamm sounded great.....but the Dart was a little better.

it was now about 6:30pm last night and my friend needed to get home. i suggested that we try battery mode on the dart pre. i cautioned that i had only tried it a couple of times but there was some sort of 'gremlin' in this unit that was not sorted out and in battery mode it was somehow outputting DC and would likely blow fuses in the amps within 5 minutes.....but it would be a spectacular 5 minutes and it was not that big an deal to change the fuses.

i had only tried the battery mode briefly on digital but i guessed that it might actually make more difference on the phono stage.

so i carefully turned the pre volume down, turned off the amps, turned off the pre, unplugged the pre, turned the pre back on, waited 90 seconds, and turned the amps back on....so far, so good. i would avoid using the remote control or switching anything so as to avoid anything that might send out DC.

i put 'Fly Me To The Moon' on the Rockport, dropped the needle, turned up the volume and turned down the lights.

from the first note there was something very different; in fact before the first note you could tell.....the 'air' was different between and before the note.....it was more there. Frank's voice was more than a voice, he was there. i was not thinking in 'sonic checklist' terms.....more in human terms. dis-belief was suspended......for about 4 more hours it was suspended. my friend didn't need to leave after all.

i assumed the fuses would blow after about 5 minutes; i kept cringing whenever i would turn the volume up or down. we played another cut, then another. there was never any problem. i would just turn the volume down when cueing and there was no noise, hum or ANYTHING. dead silence.

the listening was simply one 'Oh My God' after another. in battery mode the dart pre phono easily stomps anything i have personally heard in many ways. first, it is soo quiet that everything is just soo effortless. there is no strain. music just flows. dynamics, both micro and macro surpass anything i have heard. microdynamic action makes things so alive and vivid. the tonality and textural nuance can only be described as like 'life' or lifelike.

we played 'Nojima Plays List'...the Mephisto Waltz. playing this music on a system with full frequency capability and thru this gear brought the piano fully to life in front of us. i don't have the words to describe it. if you have heard a concert grand piano then you know how it sounds....that is how it sounded.

we played The Royal Ballet, side 1. i can only say WOW and double WOW. the orchestra came completely to life in the room. i get goosebumps just thinking about it.

Blues (Muddy Water's Folk Singer), Rock (Neil Youngs Greatest Hits), Folk (Lorna Hunt, All in One Day)......everything was just really silly good.

after 4 hours of battery mode my friend did go home; i then listened to digital in battery mode for another 2 hours; then this morning listened to digital in battery mode for a couple more hours. same basic things......although not quite to the same degree as the phono stage is more significant to the vinyl perfromance.

battery mode dramatically lowers the noise floor, dramatically increases dynamics, and really brings an effortlessness to music that has to be heard before you could appreciate what it does.

i expect healthy skepticism to this post; until a few people are able to hear what this does for themselves in battery mode that is reasonable.

i still need to re-install both the Dynavector and ZYX to see how they compare in battery mode; hopefully i'll ge to that in the next few days. my new dart pre should be here by late November hopefully.

i type slow and i've already lost too much of my Sunday to this.....but i wanted to share my enjoyment.
Great read Mike! Thanks for the update. You just made the waiting time that much more painful :-(

What 50 Ohm cables were you using between the preamp and amps?
Mike,thanks for a really interesting,and thought provoking read.This must have taken you a good bit of time to keyboard,yet I LOVED it.Keep the follow up,and comparisons coming.

Best regards.
thanks Fsarc and Sirspeedy, at the moment i am again listening to battery powered vinyl. hubba hubba!!

Janice Ian's 'Breaking Silence' at the moment. imagine that her voice is without all that breathyness (which turns out to be distortion).....it's just music. the transients are naked; without the 'fur' and overhang. it puts a strong pull on you.....it takes all my concentration to type anything. i want to close the laptop, turn down the lights, and groove with Janice.....and i can tell she is looking at me while singing (i don't think she's my type).

Fcarc, i'm using the 50 ohm cables that Herve provided for the ugly duckling (a 50 foot pair, with jumpers for the vertical bi-amping). it looks like about 10 bucks worth of garage sale cable. these are the same ones used at RMAF and last years CES.

i did buy a couple of Radio Shack 50 ohm 12' cables with BNC connectors.....which i used with my Placette (XLR from my switchbox to the Placette and XLR from the Placette to one channel of the darTZeel amps)......i used the BNC to jump from the channel with the XLR input to the other channel. it seemed to sound great.

the 12 footers from Radio Shack were about $17 each. will the Radio Shack BNC's sound as good as Herve's? good question. if i had the right connectors and two longer runs i could find out. according to jtinn Herve has some special machine that makes a proper connection and evidently that is significant.

the first thing i'm doing when i get the new fully functional dart pre is to compare cables; it's hard to imagine anything sounding better than how these BNC 'giant-killers' sound.....but you never know.
I guess the key to the 50 Ohm cables, just as with video and digital cables, is that they are properly terminated a maintain a consistent 50 Ohm impedance from end to end.

Here is one 50 Ohm cable I'll be trying from L-Com- 18 awg solid silver coated copper with 2 silver coated copper braids for shielding. Wide bandwidth and extremely cheap- no loss in trying them.


You are in for another performance level regarding bass and dynamics (among a few other things) once the amps are fully broken in. It's not subtle.

Keep us posted when that moment arrives.

Mike,please don't forget to post comparisons of the ZYX Univ and Dynavector XV-1s.This would be very interesting to many vinyl fans.Best regards!
Mike writes:
i can tell she is looking at me while singing (i don't think she's my type)
That's somewhat a moot point, as you are not her's. I can see that toungue in your cheek from here ;-)

FYI, i am now listening to the pre exclusivly thru battery mode; i will never go back. since i am still breaking in the dart amps i do leave it in AC mode when i'm not in the room; but switch to battery mode when listening. I am using the remote without incident including muting; whatever 'gremlin' caused the initial battery mode issues has vanished. i do still need to power down to switch to battery mode (unplug the pre); the regular production run of dart pre's will automatically be in battery mode without the need to worry about it. i have not found a limit to the length of time i can be in battery mode or even the slightest clue that the batteries are running down; i am told that the pre will do 'at least 12 continuous hours' in battery mode and likely longer......i have done 7 continuous hours with no issue except my body's need for sleep.

there are so many amazing aspects to the performance of the pre in battery mode that it boggles the mind.......but i keep being startled by the effortlessness of everything. it's like the damn AC power was a chain around the sound......no matter how you try to make the chain 'pretty' or palatable......it limits what can be done in music reproduction; at least in terms of preamps.

however over-the-top this reads......it is my feelings at the moment.
Mike, In your latest thread, were you listening to analog or digital? Thanks, Husk
Husk; after a quick review of my recent posts (specifically refering to battery power) i did find that each of my comments included a reference to either digital or analog.

if i were to summerize; i would say that since analog includes the battery powered phono stage as well as the preamp; analog is more dramatically improved than the digital. maybe if the power supply of the DAC was battery powered there would be the same level of improvement with digital.

also, analog is dealing with a higher potential for performance as it has more information.


every self respecting thread needs at least one analog verses digital comment.
Ah, Mike. . . . Analog vs. digital. It begins anew. Well, you know where I stand on that one. :)
Herve Deletraz (Mr. darTZeel) sent me an explaination of why we had some problems with battery power initially that i thought i would pass on to those interested.


Herve's message;

"this is ONLY for the pre-serial machine you have:

The preamp is always drawing battery current, even when the preamp is switched off. So when you received it, maybe that the batteries were severely drawn out due to no AC connections for a while. Restoring the full charge would take several DAYS to recover, so the problem you had with DC issues: Batteries were extremely low, much lower than the regulation threshold, so DC appeared.

Having left the preamp hooked on AC enough time has restored batteries so now you don't have DC issue when in battery mode (except that you still must turn the volume down when changing input source).

When you talk about "switching in battery mode", I suppose that you remove either the AC cord (edit; yes i do exactly that) or the umbilical, since there is no real switch to do that.
When the preamp has enough charge (after several days, or even a week), the power led will eventually goes off when the preamp is off. As long as the power led is illuminated when the preamp is off, charging is not completed and the preamp doe not run in battery mode until unplugging AC cord.

When not using the preamp it is very important to plug it on the AC again, or batteries will be drawn out again. In case of non use (unplugged) for more than 1 day (or for shipping) it is strongly recommended opening it and unplugging the battery connectors inside, located at the middle of the preamp, on the bottom of the main PCB.

When the machine is in battery mode, you can still hear slight difference when the umbilical in plugged or not, even if the external power circuit is fully switched off. This is due to some residual coupling with AC mains, but the difference is marginal. (edit; this means it gets even better).

The preamp you have is also suffering from all software bugs, so the use is not the most convenient one you could expect... My own sample behaves as yours, but with full software fixes. Battery behavior remains the same, but after some days they were charged, and provided I do not listen for more than 6-8 hours a day, they are always charged for the next day... I mean that a "standard" user can perfectly live with a pre-serial - debugged - sample... :-)"


Herve also sent me info on how the production (commercial) units will work that i thought would be of interest.


"All the following for the coming commercial release:

The new release will NOT drain current when off, and the charging process will be much smarter: always battery mode when switched ON, always charging when switched OFF. If batteries will go low during playback it will switch to AC mode, but if you will switch it off, you won't need to wait for the full charge before benefiting for battery mode: if you leave it for 1-2 hours off, you will have 2-3 hours on battery mode at power on, and of course more if you leave it off longer. No memory effect on batteries guaranteed, whatever the charge state. When leaving the preamp always on you will cycle the batteries continuously (about 8 hours charging, 12 hours discharging) and the total span life will be around 3 years. When using the preamp "normally", say, with quite intensive listening 4 hours a day and 5/7, you can expect a life span of 5-10 years (the figure is no more precise at the moment since we have to complete our tests; we think it is closer to 10 years than 5).

As most parts of the preamp will NOT be energized when the preamp will be off, it will take about 20-30 minutes to sound good. There is little difference, since small devices are much faster at right temperature than power devices.

This time, there will be NO DIFFERENCE AT ALL in battery mode with AC/umbilical plug removed or not. We will add AC relays in the external power supply, so in battery mode these relays will be activated, opening the AC circuit, EXACTLY as if you would unplug the cord: doing so would not improve things further, as you cannot better switch off a bulb you already removed from the lamp... :-)


As for the sound, both machines are completely identical, and there is not a single component or layout change about the signal path in both versions. Differences will be mainly addressing the battery behavior, removing some remaining small caveats in the volume control command, and also a - hopefully - less directional, more sensitive IR receiver."


i contemplated trying to explain the above myself but figured it would be better to just quote Herve's e-mail to me. however you describe it; the sound is miraculous.
Mike,great stuff,as the Dart combo looks like a very "long term" stable,low maintenance winner!

How about the ZYX UNIV vs XV-1s comparison?Very much interested in your take!Thanks,and best regards.
With the glowing reviews of ASR from HP (though of course, just taking things at face value, I haven't hear it myslef), the following of NHB, and positive reviews of the Sutherland phono amp, it seems there is common denominator: battery supplied power for the pre-amp line stage etc. Or is it just reading too much into things?
I have been fortunate enough to have the NHB-18NS preamp in my system for the last few days. In combination with the NHB-108 amp, using the 50 Ohm interface between the two, it is easily be the best piece of audio electronics I have ever heard. It has far exceeded my expectations which were quite high to start. It is so holographic, smooth, and "alive" that it's hard to quantify how much better it is than previous equipment I have owned or heard. The battery system has operated flawlessly so far. Can it get any better? Maybe- it’s only a few days old and there might be some additional break-in.

I think Hervé Deletraz is the best audio electronics designer in the world right now. The build quality is fanatical, the design radical, and the sound quality must be heard to be believed. It's very humbling to think your system sounds great until you put in a component like the NHB-18NS and it redefines for you what you thought was possible.

If you already have the NHB-108, don't even hesitate in ordering the preamp- it is a must have. If you own neither, order both and you will have the best amp/preamp combo on the planet. As always- this is just one audiophool’s opinion, but I'm happy as hell! Over the top actually. Thanks JT.
Like Fsarc, I just got my NHB-18NS pre-amp over this past weekend. It is connected to my NHB-108 amplifier which I've had since January via the 50 ohm interface. I A/B'ed the 50 ohm connection versus my 30' XLR run and it was no contest...the 50 ohm interface trounces it in every way just as Herve lays out in his white paper.

NHB stands for Never Heard Before and this is no marketing hype. This combo pre-amp/amp produces music like no other equipment I've ever heard or owned. It's as close to "live" as I've ever heard. Noise and artifacts are completely absent leaving just the music. The design and build quality are first class and the support I've gotten from Herve Deletraz and JTinn is the best I've experienced in my 20+ years in high end audio.

Yes, this combo is expensive, but if you're looking for the best possible performance then you must audition this combo. BTW, I can't speak for the phono stage performance as I'm just listening at the moment to a Linn CD12 CD player, but Mike Lavigne certainly can and has in other posts.

The preamp continues to amaze me. I'm rediscovering recording after recording. It has been absolutely flawless in operation and I've run it over 17 hrs straight on the battery supply without interruption. The DarTZeel amp/preamp are by far the best pieces of audio equipment I have ever owned.
Ditto that Fsarc. I've now had my dart pre for 3 months and it has worked flawlessly. I have also gotten 17-18 hours straight from it without the battery needing recharging. This thing is all music...by that I mean always before with my amp and pre-amp I found myself being drawn to various artifacts in the sound that I knew were coming from the equipment. Now, I just listen to the music because if there still are any artifacts I can't hear them.

My upgrading of amps and pre-amps has come to an end. Also, just recently I had my Linn CD12 upgraded by David Schulte of The Upgrade Company and it has been transformed into what has to be the SOTA in CD redbook once again.
i just read the soundstage report on dartzeel.
i just read this thread.