Decide between ARC Ref 6SE and Aesthetix Calypso Eclipse

Really struggling between these two choices. Running Vandersteen M5-HPA monoblock amps with Kento speakers. I realize the Ref 6SE is $3K more but I’m willing to stretch the budget if it’s worth it. I’ve heard both but not in my system. The Aesthetix seems to be a more modern design and it sounds like the new Eclipse version is quite a step up from the Signature. Any inputs would be appreciated. Listen mostly to jazz, rock and some classical. 

The new Aesthetix preamp (though its been available for awhile) is the Pallene.  It's the pre-amplifier that is featured in the Mimas integrated amplifier, and is $6500.  It's also a hybrid design with a tube output stage.

I ended up going with the 6SE and am very happy with the choice.  I have not listened to the Aesthetix so I can't compare.  I did notice Aesthetix introduced a new amp/preamp product at Axpona but I think it's at a lower price point so it may be a new lower cost product line.


Hopefully this thread is alive as I am in the exact same position with the ARC or Aesthetix question.  I currently have and ARC LS-15 and Rhea Eclipse with Manley Mono's and Maggies.  I'm looking to upgrade my preamp with the 6SE or Calypso Eclipse.  I have no complaints with the current set up but hoping by now that some of the people in this thread have made decisions and can share their experience.


With Richard's amps I would suggest going with the ARC. I am a huge Aesthetix fan and use the Aesthetix Mimas integrated amp to drive my Treo's. I think the Metis preamp might be the best preamp I've ever heard. But ARC preamps seem to bring out the best in Richard's amps. This is only my opinion of course. You might want to touch base with JohnnyR at the Audio Connection. He can give you some insight on the options from his own experience. Good Luck! 
For what it’s worth, we are currently conducting a pre-amp shootout between 1) McIntosh C2700 [tube], 2) VTL 6.5 Series [hybrid tube/ solid state] 3) Audio Research Ref 6SE [tube], 4) Pass Labs XP-32 [solid state], and 5) NO Pre-Amp: Linn Selekt DSM [Katalyst. DAC] direct to amp.

Have never heard the Calypso .

The Pass Labs XP-32 is still in its break-in period, so my view here is premature.

We have Wilson Alexia Series 2 speakers with Pass Labs X600.8 monos (solid state). So we lean toward a tube preamp to balance out our solid state amps.

Quite frankly, TUBE preempts are a best fit with solid State amps. And this test affirms that. The Audio Research Ref 6SE is clearly the superior performer--even over the NO PREAMP option.

So take into account whether your amp is side state or tube when deciding on a preamp.

We (my wife and I) find the solid state XP-32, while quite good, a bit sharp and perhaps fatiguing on the high frequencies. It does nothing exceptional, while everything is good. Again, the XP-32 is still breaking in, but its solid State pedigree does nothing to soften the solid State edginess of our amps. And note that the XP-32 is by the same manufacturer of our monos: Pass Labs. So "manufacturer synergy" is not enough here to overtake the Audio Research Ref 6SE.

The McIntosh is not in the same league as the other pre-amps, being a middle ground on all things and not able to make our amo/speakers really shine. It sounds a bit like there's a pillow in front of the mid and tweeter speakers. But it does coat HALF of the other units.

VTL was the most serious challenge to the Ref 6SE, but it lacks the presence and musicality (dynamics) of the mighty Ref 6SE.

Direct to amp is shrill and lacks a solid mid-range FOR US and OUR equipment.

The Audio Research Ref 6SE sounded like the live musicians were in the room on many recordings, such as the Eva Cassidy’s ’Songbird" and Ben Platt’s "Sing To Me Instead" albums.

No preamp is perfect, to be sure. But there is a 3D reality to the sound of the Ref 6SE, a WEIGHT to the tonality that places many of the performers in the room. To pull off the ’in the room" experience, the sound must also achieve that naturalness of what each instrument and human voice actually sounds like, as well as a soundstage that places each singer and instrument in a 3D geographic location unique to each.

I know I am sounding like a commercial for the Ref 6SE, and I do NOT want to oversell it. But I find it hard to believe that anything under $20K is going to beat the Ref 6SE for OUR system.

But what is right for YOUR system may be quite different.

Just sharing my experience, that’s all.
I recently spent an hour with the ARC REF 6SE (powered by ARC 160M mono blocks) with the Vandersteen Kento speakers and was very impressed.  Like you, I listen to a lot of jazz and classic rock. Great imaging, accuracy and huge soundstage. Unfortunately I have not heard the Aesthetix Calypso so I can’t give you my impressions on that component.  If you go with the ARC, I’m sure you’ll be very happy. 
They are both good choices but i would look for a pre 1997 arc preamp because it will outperform both of them and for a lot less money.

of course you know the purity and magic of the balsa and carbon fiber drivers and purpose built high pass amplifiers…

Also both the ARC and Aesthetix benefit from tubes and isolation. HRS preferred for both IMO and certainly that is the brand Aesthetix use in the DAC. I run a bad A nos 1960 Tung Sol usa 6550 in the Ref5se…. transformative 

well…..first what a wonderful position to be in..those are two awesome and fantastic preamps to choose from. I am certainly no stranger to either including your downstream components - i run the 7 mk2 and RV’s 7 high pass amplifiers. The pairing of M5 and Kento is super nice. I also have an ARC ref5se and Jim Whites ( of Aesthetix fame ) Signature DAC… so I get an appreciate tge Aesthetix sonics and construction. Up to me, i would go ARC but we are splitting micro hairs here for sure…

i just helped a friend w M5, Quattro and he chose the Aesthetix pre ( used and upgraded to signature but not eclipse )

consider joining us on vandy site owners forum.

PM me if i can be of any insight or help



Are you saying that both of you felt the Calypso trumped the 6SE in these areas? Any other comments based on your experience?  
If you're looking for clarity, precision, and detail and, perhaps, enhanced dynamics, go for the Calypso.

Just so happened I listened to a Calypso (signature or eclipse, can't remember) driving ARC monoblocks and compared it to the resident Ref6 SE -- at a friend's house. We played a bit of everything, focusing on the nauseatingly ubiquitous demo tracks (from 2L, stockfisch records, etc). Used an exotic power cord and valhalla interconnect.