Did Amir Change Your Mind About Anything?

It’s easy to make snide remarks like “yes- I do the opposite of what he says.”  And in some respects I agree, but if you do that, this is just going to be taken down. So I’m asking a serious question. Has ASR actually changed your opinion on anything?  For me, I would say 2 things. I am a conservatory-trained musician and I do trust my ears. But ASR has reminded me to double check my opinions on a piece of gear to make sure I’m not imagining improvements. Not to get into double blind testing, but just to keep in mind that the brain can be fooled and make doubly sure that I’m hearing what I think I’m hearing. The second is power conditioning. I went from an expensive box back to my wiremold and I really don’t think I can hear a difference. I think that now that I understand the engineering behind AC use in an audio component, I am not convinced that power conditioning affects the component output. I think. 
So please resist the urge to pile on. I think this could be a worthwhile discussion if that’s possible anymore. I hope it is. 


Why asking ? Is it not evident i am an idiot ? 😊

i know how to read...Prove me wrong...

i am interested by links between fields, cracks between theories..

My most important reflection subject was the links between semiotic and linguistic..

I am interested by number theory meanings for philosophy...

I am interested by the way the Temple of Louxor was designed..

I am interested by the meaning of the poetic act speech...

I am interested by categoey theory in the approach of Alexander Grothendieck...

i am interested by the links between all that and more..

i like Dyonysos the areopagite the syrian mystic and the link between his three methods and set theory through Cantor works ... i studied it for 10 years...

Etc.. I am interested by the morphology of mammals and the Goethe method in the work of the physicist Henri Bortoft...<

I am interested by The work of Swedenborg about reality and quantum theory... i dont understand for now the link with Roger Boscovich...

i am interested bby READING and THINKING...

I am interested by the difference and similarity between Goethe more oriented perceptual phenomenology and Husserl more oriented conceptual phenomenology and their deep link through the "crisis of modern science" the deep last book of Husserl.....

i am interested by the way human brain perceived QUALITIES and OBJECTIVE INFORMATION from sound source in natural environment..

I am interested by the PHYSICAL OBJECTIVE INVARIANT which explain the information of sound sources to the geaturing and acting human body and why our generative ability to become sound source ourself and produce sound  conditioned nature affordances and conditioned us in a particular direction of time to extract what is useful to our survival in a non linear way because our cochlea is non linear... By the way what is a spiral as mathematical object and symbolic object as Cassirer called them "symbolic forms" ...

it is why the thesis that audible informative qualities which must be reducible to ONLY Fourier electrical map seems preposterous to me . We need an ecological set of experiments protocols to understand hearing...

you are not able to understand a two page psycho-acoustic article it seems NOBODY answer me ANYTHING about it Amir dance around it with his measures schemas without adressing it : Magnasco and Oppenheim


Maybe if everyone activate the manners that I’m assuming all have been taught are an asset when dealing with others this would go better.  

Otherwise there may be nothing more of value to see here.  


You are right mapman for sure...

i begin this discussion by thanking Amir for his free useful measures information..

Then i observed that the subjectivist-objectivist division was created by FOCUS on the gear pieces by electrical measures and focus on the gear piece by listening experience...One put against the other...

This DIVISION results from the gear market sellers and consumers conditioning not from psycho-acoustic science... The tool obsessed measuring minds used this division between sellers and consumers to claim their dogma as UNIQUE TRUTH... They sell their site ideology... They debunk... Some designers which use psycho-acoustic facts trust listening and hearings but do not say it loud because there are zealots crowds attacking them like they attack audiophiles listenings reviews as of no value at all... This is my perspective about this problem...

I suggested that in psycho-acoustic science this OPPOSITION and war is meaningless completely...

I explained why using many articles but especially one by Magnasco and Oppenheim...

No one even commented it nor any subjectivist nor any objectivist...

it seems people prefer to attack ad hominem instead of thinking..

I dont need to read diploma series from someone to understand with who i spoke...😊

I use arguments...

I like to discuss in good faith...

Anybody can read my posts and articles to explain a simple fact : Qualities are informative and grounded in experience in the natural world ...Electrical measures are essential for gear design and useful to pair the gear components or help to tune a room...but electrical measures do not replace acoustic training nor musical training and dont make psycho-acoustic problems delusions from someone who dont trust ONLY  measures and  then allegedly need blind test to have the right to speak  ..

The ears/brain dont work like a Fourier computer...Period...

Sound sources are real and sound waves convey real qualitative information extracted from the sound sources by the non linear ears/brain in his time dependant domain...

Then objectivist and subjectivist division created by techno and gear market  obsession is preposterous and dont exist in psycho-acoustic science.. On the opposite the relation between the real qualities perceived by the Easrs/brain and the link to Fourier Maps and acoustic and physical invariant is at the center of this field...


Maybe if everyone activate the manners that I’m assuming all have been taught are an asset when dealing with others this would go better.

Otherwise there may be nothing more of value to see here.

@nevada_matt you are spot on.

Where amir starts going on about how, explicitly or through snide comments,  someone is  a rube, a plebe, an unsophisticated troglodyte if they don’t agree with his value judgements and they actually like, and forfend(!), purchase something that does not “measure up” per amir, is where he becomes offensive.

Tossing the "fallacious" label at @painter24 is a prime example of true colors being revealed.  

It has been implied in this thread that bad behavior in disagreement with Amir is equivalent to the bad behavior accusations leveled against Amir.  No, there is an important difference.  Amir and ASR only give lip service to the idea individuals are free to make their own choices.  The ASR approach is to badger other into submission.  Every non-compliant thought is dismissed as invalid, uninformed, biased, untrained, non-scientific, ignorant, unethical, etc., etc.  This thread is nothing more than Amir arguing and badgering with excessively long posts,  


Thread Title, 2023: Did Amir Change Your Mind About Anything?

Thread Title, 2022: Audio Science Review = "The better the measurement, the better the sound" philosophy

Answer: No. Nothing has changed. Same stuff, every year. Rinse, repeat.





131 posts


@djones51 ASR doesn’t offer anything of value to us audiophiles. I’ve been there, done that, I’ve bought a 250$ DAC with pristine measurements thinking it would be all I’ll ever need. I’m poor, you see, so it’s easy to fall for ASR ’s claims. "Yaaay I got a great deal and you guys are all morons"

Unfortunately, those claims are utter BS in the real world for anyone who has EARS and actually LISTENS to their equipment. So, I’d rather see ASR as a disservice to the audiophile community, on top of being full with obnoxious (let’s call a cat a cat) members.