@nevada_matt you are spot on.
Where amir starts going on about how, explicitly or through snide comments, someone is a rube, a plebe, an unsophisticated troglodyte if they don’t agree with his value judgements and they actually like, and forfend(!), purchase something that does not “measure up” per amir, is where he becomes offensive.
Tossing the "fallacious" label at @painter24 is a prime example of true colors being revealed.
It has been implied in this thread that bad behavior in disagreement with Amir is equivalent to the bad behavior accusations leveled against Amir. No, there is an important difference. Amir and ASR only give lip service to the idea individuals are free to make their own choices. The ASR approach is to badger other into submission. Every non-compliant thought is dismissed as invalid, uninformed, biased, untrained, non-scientific, ignorant, unethical, etc., etc. This thread is nothing more than Amir arguing and badgering with excessively long posts,