Does Bluesound have a new product launch coming?

I need another Bluesound Node 2i but have noticed blue sound has had recent discounts on their node 2i and specials on “recertified” units etc.  Sometimes this means a new launch is coming.  I’d rather have the new technology than the discount.  Does anyone know of an imminent product launch coming from these guys? 
Puffboy wanted some insider info that makers conceal to maintain sales.
A semantics or grammar retort was not called for. Remember Bambi's
mother's useful counsel: "If you don't have anything nice (useful) to say 
keep your F-ing mouth closed". Okay I updated it some.

Meantime in the interest of assistance I have recently learned that
Innuos is soon to release a new version of its Phoenix reclocker.
No news on the rest of the line. Too bad as I am about to buy
one of their Zen units. 

The OP just asked a simple question. Why can’t so many of you just answer the question? The extraneous questions and statements sound like you’re mimicking a bad parent
OP, thinking about the question you asked, I did some searching and don't see any news about a successor product to the 2i. 
Nobody "needs" 99% of the stuff audiophiles buy. Let’s be honest here.  We "desire" it.
Ugh.... because I have several rooms with several systems and I want integrated streaming capabilities in all of them. “Why” do you care what I “need” ?