Esoteric DV-60

Anyone heard this unit yet? As many of you know, it is replacing the DV-50S and I'm looking for noticeable difference in audio/video quality as well as functionality. I know on paper the changes that have been made, but is the upgrade worth it from a user's perspective. Thanks for your opinions and experiences. Dave.
Sorry guys I have to apologize. DV-60 was used on wrong polarity. Problem is fixed and DV-60 is now as good as DV-50 S on CD/SACD and better on DVD.
I didn´t spent to much time comparing the video capabilities. In short: DV-60 is def. better than DV-50 S on video. DVD-A was better with UX-3 SE - although I just compared two DVD-A´s (Kraftwerk and Michael Jackson).
What exactly is "wrong polarity" and how did you figure out this was a problem. You have done a total 180 in your comparisons? I am a little confused, please elaborate?
I had a Sansui 9090db reciever that was purchased in 1975 and I estimated that it has close to 20,000 hours on it and a lot of those hours were run hard at parties with basic cables. My brother bought it first then I bought it from him and then gave it back to him. I think my 2 year old son will end up with it someday. The unit works great today. A well built cdp will last a long long time. I would not worry about wearing it out or anything else in a system that has descent build quality. Speakers on the other hand can take more of a beating and drivers will need to be replaced probably more quickly than a good player will need to be replaced. Putting 500 hours on a system to break it in is just puppies piss.
Polarity is something electrical.. My Esoteric dealer found it out when joining one of the listening sessions as he was confused that I still preferred the DV-50 S to the DV-60.
To be honest - a modded DV-50 S is stillmuch better than a stock DV-60 ;)
Perhaps the "absolute digital polarity" or phase? Is there such an on/off setting available on the DV60?
Some one out there please help...What is the issue with the DV50 vs the DV60 I own both and my first impression is that the 50 KILLS the 60 in audio-(no BULL) It is 7db stronger on the volume control on my preamp, I turn my preamp to 8:00 and have to turn the 60 to 2:00 to get the same volume level. My dealer friend came over to my house and concurred that the 50 is MUCH better on the audio side. It's not just the volume level that makes th 50 better-It's everything i.e- soundstage, image, depth perception, ETC. The video is GREAT on the 60, but the 50 is really a lot better on the audio side. Does anybody have a answer? Thanks all. I have over 700 hrs on the DV60.
Thanks to all of you for your insights and contributions. I ended up upgrading from the DV-50S to the UX-3 SE. I really did not see myself into the multichannel SACD, DVD-Audio or redbook modality. Perhaps one day I'll mod the UX-3 SE but I'll get used to it's sound first with my equipment, speakers, and room design. Thanks. Dave
Congrats Dave and best of luck. Please do let us know how you like the UX-1 Se as it breaks in. Be patient with it. The 100 or so hrs of breakin suggested by TEAC are for the birds. Guido
Actually, it's a UX-3 SE. I'd have to put my 3 yr old on eBay (assuming someone would buy him) to afford the UX-1 limited edition.
Oops, looks like my finger slipped. My finger pressed the '1' instead of '3' by force of habit. Guido
I saw the light. After working with the DV-50s, I now use an Oppo 971H for video and SPDIF into a PS Audio DL III. Nirvana. The sound has more authority, spaciousness and smoothness. And the video quality is FAR SUPERIOUR to the DV50s in EVERY WAY.

I own this player for over than one year.
It needs a lot of beakin time (1000 hours or more).
It sounds better if you disconnect (from inside or outside) the earth wire. :)
Someone can try to set digital filter to narrow than wide.
CD direct option sould be enabled and video circuits set to off. A large diameter power cord will help too.
A little off point, but still relevant for those with a UX-1 or looking for better audio/video out of an Esoteric piece
I acquired a UX-1 several months ago intending for it to be modified into an APL-3.0 by Alex Peychev. Although I believe the UX-1 has the best transport made anywhere, my APL-3910 sounded better in my system than the stock UX-1. AFter long discussions with Esoteric and my banker, I decided to double upgrade the UX-1 by Esoteric - sonics to UX-1 Ltd+ level and Video to UX-1p1 level, including HDMI out. I also acquired an Esoteric Rubidium clock here on Agon. The UX-1 should be back to me in about a week.

Esoteric tells me that my setup should produce incredible sound. I'll report back if anyone is interested. I am also looking at adding APL's new DAC when its out in a few months - at that point, I will be finished. Although I will have invested a decent amount of money in my new front end, hopefully the result will be great sound (and video). I will also have the flexibility of separate transport, clock and DAC which should be more useful than a single box solution going forward into the digital/computer age of audio.
I listened to a DV60 today, compared it to a Marantz Sa11S1 and an older DV50. The DV60 was superior in all areas to both of the other players...and by a very wide margin! Here’s the thing of it, it clearly states in the instructions to turn off the multi channel output of the DV60 in order to gain maximum sound. I noticed that when one failed to do this, the DV60 was not as resolving and clearly less powerful in the bass and the upper most highs. Turned off, the SQ was stunning and easily some of the best sound I have heard from DSD and Redbook.
Mods of the Esoteric DV-50S have mentioned in this thread. Can anyone who has had his or her DV-50S modified provide info on who did the work, and perhaps what the mod consisted of?