Full feature preamp $1500

I am re-phrasing my original thread, as I would like a preamp with both CD and phono inputs. Looking to spend around $1500. I listen to classical and jazz. I like nuance and warmth. I have...

Aerial 10T’s - Speakers
Parasound Zone Master 2350 - Power Amp
Music Fidelity X-ray (has coax digital out) - CD player
Older turntable (will upgrade)

What can you recommend?
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Like a broken record, I keep repeating, I LOVE this old tube tuner/preamp


I never used more than 1 phono, but, I just moved to a dual arm TT, stereo arm, mono arm, and this preamp has 2 phonos, so phono 1 is stereo arm, phono 2 is mono arm. The FM is terrific. Amazing features, no remote back then.

Oh, I just realized, these have 3 pairs of individual input volume pots on the top edge. I can pre-balance the output of my two cartridges, not need to adjust volume each time I use the other arm. Tomorrow morning, first thing. Thanks for reminding me.

Audio Research SP-9 MKII. No remote but not sure a newer preamp of today with remote and phono will surpass. There’s one on US/AM currently.
Rogue RP-1 has a MM/MC phono input and gets great reviews.  Best of luck. 
The Quicksilver does not have a phono section. There is a nice Threshold FET one listed here for $929. I owned one years ago and it was an outstanding preamp. You should make an offer on it!
Audible Illusions 3A. There is a factory refurbished one on Audiogon for $1450 and one on USAM too.  However, personally, I would grab the lightly used Atmasphere UV-1 on USAM ($850) and just pick up a Rega Fono MM mk3 on Amazon for $395
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Hi If you are interested, I have an available Parasound HCA 750A two channel amp. 75 watts RMS x 2 both channels driven at 8ohms Asking I80 + S&H...

The person is looking for a pre amp, not an integrated amp. 

I am looking for a PARASOUND HCA 750A - will try to contact you thru the site...
I have severral minimalist preamps for sale: a MORRISON ELAD PREAMP (SS) and a WOLZE LINE LEVEL L1 PREAMP (Tube). Plenty on the net about ELAD, little about the Wolze (only 10 made). If interested contact me...
If you guys want to sell your gear, please use the classifieds here.  The forums are not for that.