G -- you're lucky! Boxes take up space. Cardas ain't all that good anyway :^). The upper midrange is restricted -- not to speak of the +20kHz range... disastrous! You'd have installed the cables and then spent mega$ upgrading yr pre, pronto, to correct the sibilance.
AFTER the 4th upgrade, the nth tube rolling on the AR ref mk 69 pre, the 25th thread on A'gon ("where've I gone wrong with the system?"), the 26th mod on the Audio Aero Capitole mk 52), and having spent the penultimate $ on yr $200k upgrading spree... someone here would finally post a revolutionary idea: "how about THROWING OUT those Cardas and connecting a 69AWG Belden (by then hi-est end) instead".
Magic! By sheer accident of fortune, you've accelerated: brought the future forward by months, maybe years, and limited the investment by a few 100k $!!!
Not to speak of an old B-Point Special I had retipped 4 times in one year by V D Hul(the last for free), thanks to my zealous cleaning lady. By adding a few extra $ I purchased a Clearaudio Discovery.
(You sure you can't get a research deal with the trash people?)
Throw some Mahler 5th on the existing system and crank it up! Fill a glass with Lagavulin, spring water, no ice. Listen & get drunk. Good medicine.
AFTER the 4th upgrade, the nth tube rolling on the AR ref mk 69 pre, the 25th thread on A'gon ("where've I gone wrong with the system?"), the 26th mod on the Audio Aero Capitole mk 52), and having spent the penultimate $ on yr $200k upgrading spree... someone here would finally post a revolutionary idea: "how about THROWING OUT those Cardas and connecting a 69AWG Belden (by then hi-est end) instead".
Magic! By sheer accident of fortune, you've accelerated: brought the future forward by months, maybe years, and limited the investment by a few 100k $!!!
Not to speak of an old B-Point Special I had retipped 4 times in one year by V D Hul(the last for free), thanks to my zealous cleaning lady. By adding a few extra $ I purchased a Clearaudio Discovery.
(You sure you can't get a research deal with the trash people?)
Throw some Mahler 5th on the existing system and crank it up! Fill a glass with Lagavulin, spring water, no ice. Listen & get drunk. Good medicine.