Goodbye Everyone

Rather than just disappear, I'd like to say thanks to everyone who gave me help, taught me stuff, the many friendly members.



Op, best wishes. One last thought. Even though many have not responded directly to your comments, given the appreciation the members in this thread have shown, I suspect you’ve had more impact with people here than you know. You will be missed. Carpe diem.


I rarely post, but I check the Audiogon forums daily.  I have both enjoyed reading and learned a good deal from your posts and responses.  You will be missed.


I know this decision wasn't made lightly, so I would never try to question your motives.

After all, as much as we like to feel it is important, the fact is that this is only a forum for audiophiles. Not all that important in the greater scheme of things.

Our mental and physical health, along with the health and wellbeing of those we love, are what really matters in life.

Take care and I hope you are happy forever.


Hi @elliottbnewcombjr
I have noticed that your opinion is always well documented and your recommendations are always well supported factually & /or anecdotally. It is refreshing to read someone whose opinion is based on fact and /or experience  rather than conjecture!

Thank you for your contributions so far, be safe, be well !