Got a pair of JBL 240Ti - mint condition, very nice.

Where should I sell them, and what should I charge for them?
The 250ti were pretty good
no grills puts you back at parts value
no grills, or boxes ? = risky ship = local market = greatly reduced value

putting them in storage ..... interesting marital bliss strategy 
Tell the wife to get over it, as they bring you much enjoyment. She married you for better, or worse. Show here pictures and photos of other speakers ( this is a great site to show her ). She would probably want small bookshelf speakers or very slim floor standers. Maybe you can build some grill frames and get acoustic fabric ( let her choose the fabric color ). I have been there my friend....Enjoy ! MrD.
Maybe you should buy them. Might be better than what you have......:-)
They were given to me when I moved out of my old apartment and I loved them. she hates how non modern they look.
Shame they aren't a pair of 250Ti... now those would be worth a pretty penny.
" I happened upon them accidently ". I would love to hear the story. What about them does the wife hate ? Looks ( w/o grills ), sound, size. Are they better than what you have now ? Enjoy ! MrD.
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eBay auction with a low start price and you will know what they are worth at the end of the auction. You could also auction them here on Audiogon. An auction determines the value of any item.
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@gelsa170 If you go to your Explore tab in the Yellow Navigation bar on the homepage  and choose Bluebook, you can do a one time look-up for the price of this item for $4.99.  
Ouch, the dreaded WAF.....

 According to JBL guys they are worth more in parts.

"Unfortunately, 240Ti's just aren't that desirable, so they don't sell at any premium over the drivers' raw values. I haven't seen a no-reserve Ebay auction on them, but several sellers keep putting clean sets up at $899 or a thousand and they don't sell. A year or two ago TiDome was offering his clean pair to LH members for $600 and I don't think he sold them. They have a great woofer (LE14H-1) that's worth $175-200 each if pristine. The 044Ti tweeters are also rare, you may be able to get $150 for a perfect pair. The 104H midranges are probably worth $80/pr. Crossovers and cabinets have little or no value, so you get $630 in parts value. Normally, perfect pairs would be worth much more to collectors, but this model seems to be collector proof and is desired mainly for its parts. Good luck, and let us know if you get them!"

From Lansing Heritage site.... 
Honestly, I have no clue what these speakers are and their value. I am looking to yall experts to help me kind of figure them out. I happened upon them accidently. My wife hates them and I need to know what they are from yall perspective. Should I keep them in storage?
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More of a Lowe’s. I am just trying to get an idea of what is the best forum to sell these and what I should charge, like what is the going rate for these... thank you.
OMG! Just what I have been looking for! Would you take 5,000 dollars of Home Depot gift cards? Nice ad.