In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound? No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat! The experience: First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA. It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision. The clarity and sound is so natural. The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible. The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers. My system is musicians playing music. I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now. Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares. High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours! Truly Amazing
You stated "... DD is a shill for this product plain and simple." It certainly looks that way, IMO. The gushing descriptions -- followed by more gushing descriptions. The fawning over Rick Schultz -- followed by more fawning.
My grandmother once said to me if no one's talking about you then you ain't doing something right. I used to be known for changing my cables left and right. It doesn't happen anymore because when I put others in it sounds veiled and covered up. I didn't know that Mcgyver posted on this thread. Lol. We are honored. Give me some bubble gum, a battery, some chicken wire and a Popsicle stick and I will build my own cables. They will come out perfect. Yeah right!!!! I respect DIY guys but this isn't about that. I have never heard anything like these cables in my life and they will not be leaving my system ever period!!!. If you like to build your own I applaud you. But, it's not going to be this good. @lak thanks for putting this all in perspective. @ddraudt I got these revel studio2 over here jumping right now with some latin Jazz. The Congos, flutes and keyboards and cymbals are moving and starting and stopping on a dime. The pace is dizzying in a good way. Have they even heard the high fidelity? No.
You stated "If you like to build your own I applaud you. But, it's not going to be this good." You are welcome to drop over the next time you visit Asia so you can judge for yourself.
@everyone try the album midnight sugar. It's a surprise. It's a blues/jazz piano by tyoushi Yamamoto. Hope I spelled that right. There was a demo of it on Youtube using the same revel speakers I have. The studio 2. With these high fidelity in I think I'm giving that sound a run for its money. Lol.
@Calvinj, My system always sounded good and when I was tempted on several occasions I tried different high end interconnects, speaker cables and power cords. I must admit the best sounding (to me) interconnects and speaker cables in my main system is the HF Ultimate that I'm using. I am enjoying the music.
Sabai, Of course, I have made interconnects, power cords, and speaker wire. I have rewired preamps with litz wire. I have made dynamic driver as well as horn speaker systems. I know that I have had a hard time finding quality wire and regretting that solder is such sound ruining crap. I have made kit amps and modified much audio gear.
Mapman, I know that DD has no investment in HFC and that he is a rapid audiophile keenly interested in modifing gear and dampening resonances.
Finally, I take offense with those who are self-appointed members of the scam police. I know what I like and I am somewhat restricted in what I can afford and at one time thought I was in trouble when I bought the Infinity ServoStatics, two ARC Dual 75s, and the ARC SP-3 preamp. I survived and enjoyed them for five years.
Sabai..that's a safe invitation to make...if you have a spare set of your cables lying around why don't you mail a pair to Tbg and let him do a review of them compared to the HF cables. i am sure he would be willing to pick up the cost of shipping. if he wouldn't ..i will..
Fwiw I asked early on if anyone here doing the gushing actually paid asking retail price and did not see any responses. Gushing by known paying customers carries more weight for me.
Hi Calvinj, I did hear a sample of the music Midnight Sugar and it was very nice. It would be interesting to hear it full on, in my system some day. I have more High Fidelity Products to audition and write about in the future. It's an interesting challenge to describe the sound to someone who has not heard High Fidelity magnetic wonders. Since one who has not heard it could not fathom it's effect by reading any description. It is comforting to know that some of the people posting here actually know anything about the experience. That is what I read and respond to. The rest is just something I skip over to get to posts of substance. I do communicate directly with folks around the globe who are as excited as I about High Fidelity. We laugh, exchange stories, and look forward to our next HF piece. How refreshing!!! They too look over this site to find word from experienced HFC users. They are also well aware if Thread Trolls and skip the noise. I very happy for you that you are enjoying your system so much!!! D ;-)
@ddraudt you are right. Why agree with someone who hasn't listened. That midnight sugar song in my system sounds amazing. Also listen to david kikoski, eric revis and jeff tann waites, there is a song called grey areas it has some great piano, bass and drum work. It is really good. I can't really explain how good the sound is using the high fidelity stuff. All I know is I can't go back to that regular old wire that I used to use. There is no going back. We are supposed to have a listening session this weekend. Going to invite some guys over for a listen. We just like to enjoy our sounds. Clarity in my system is at an all time high. Never been better. I've learned that if it makes me happy I'm ok with. Why argue If I'm happy. It's like giving a beef hot dog to somebody who is used to Boss Hogg hot dogs. I can't go back to all filler not meat. Lol. The high fidelity stuff allows you to hear when a piano rolls to hear every note when the keys roll. That midnight sugar song will be a delight in your system. Enjoy what you actually hear.
@ddraudt enjoy your system. I know how truly you are committed to this hobby. I respect your music recommendations and I know that getting your system right has been a true audio journey for you. I know how serious you are about getting the sound right. Continue on the journey. Happy listening. I will get down to hear it all soon. Thanks.
Accusing Ddraudt of being a shill or plant shows a lack of integrity of those making the claims. For sure he is over the top and wildly enthusiastic, but I have seen dozens of genuine customers over the years who do this about various product lines, its not out of the ordinary.
But of course what they are really saying - is they do not believe the performance claims of HFC cables, and thus Ddraudt's comments must surely be disingenuous.
Bollocks. Either put up or shut up, either try the cables yourself or don't try them. But stop attacking the integrity of people here when you have no idea of the facts. Yes attack their opinion if you disagree, a forum is about debate, but going after the man is a fairly low tactic.
Agisthos, +1, I know alot about Ddraudt, one thing I will share, He is a passionate well seasoned audiophile and gentleman, and I like him alot, yes, I agree, leave Ddraudt alone!
My invitation is made in all sincerity. With all due respect, we live where we live. Changing locations is not an audiophile option.
I do not have spares cables lying around. Just go to Ozzy's instructions on how to make the silver speaker wires. Mine are without dialectric. The cost will be under $200. By the way, I do a lot more than is indicated in Ozzy's instructions. I have accessories and "tweaks" optimizing their performance including magnets and other elements and features. Unlike High Fidelity cables they are not incorporated in the cables themselves but are externally located.
So, even if you make the cables themselves you will not know how they sound in my system. You are listening to a system, not just a cable that has been accessorized. The same goes for all cables, of course. You are listening to the effect of one piece of gear on the sound of the system. My system sounds stunning.
With all due respect -- once again, it looks like you have completely missed my point. My point is not about the sonic merits of High Fidelity cables. I have been using magnets in my DIY cables for years and am well aware of their merits. I also use magnets strategically through my system to great effect.
My point is about price/performance ratio. I will refer you back to my earlier comments about outrageous prices -- including my comment about 4 power cords that cost $50,000.
Agisthos, Thank you and you are correct. Lack of integrity and childish behavior are trademarks of Thread Trolls and if you feed them by responding they get uglier. as is show by this case in point. Haha! There are monikers I've seen before that I know not to read. I recommend this to all. (Would you like a list?) Same clown, different day. For me to be offended would be silly. Like being offended by a barking dog or a rainy day. It's pretty easy for me to skip to meaningful posts. I recommend this to all. news flash... this post has nothing to do with the wonder of High Fidelity Cables either. It's just a cautionary road sign to warn of critters crossing. My hope is that all who can enjoy music, will do so and write about their joy on appropriate threads. I recommend this to all. Love Dave
With all due respect, it may have eluded you but everyone has the right to their opinions. So, it may surprise you to learn that "meaningful posts" may contain observations that you do not agree with. Cheer leading is not the only acceptable form of contribution to Forum threads, IMO. And, as I mentioned earlier, I do not believe that Members contributing to this thread really need parental guidance.
Mapman, why does it matter to you if someone has paid full price? Most cars have a price listed on the invoice but few pay that price. Does it make their opinion on the car worthless?
Perhaps you are resentful because you cannot get a discount?
I don't value most people's opinions regardless of whether they pay full-hit or not.
The problem with this thread is there is no tolerance for anything except gushing about the products. That reeks of bias and limits any value in any case. But there is no law against it so rave on. It is what it is.
You stated, "The problem with this thread is there is no tolerance for anything except gushing about the products." And I agree. It's obvious, especially from DD's posts. He sounds like he wants to set the agenda -- with parental guidance required regarding posts he does not agree with. Very odd for someone who has suddenly appeared as a Forum participant out of the blue. IMO.
By the way, I did not state or imply that my cables were better than anything on the market. Sorry if I left that impression. I imply that, in my system, they are better than anything I have ever heard, including highly touted and multi-thousand dollar cables, and that my cables will likely rival other high end performers.
I have also made the point that you are not listening to a cable when you power up any system. You are listening to the synergy of the system. Any changes that happen with the introduction or removal of one element or cable are duly noted. It is the system synergy that matters -- how the elements complement or detract from SQ.
There are many things I do with my cables to optimize their performance, including using magnets. These elements are not included in the cable construction but are externally implemented, unlike HF cables that incorporate various elements into the cable design itself.
@Ddraudt I can't hear all that other stuff. My ears are full of high fidelity music. I listen to the Bennie Green trio tonight. I felt like I was there. Lol
11-21-14: Audiolabyrinth these gentleman welcome me to talk to them for me to learn from them!
10-16-14: Tbg Audiolabyrinth, go to hell!
10-16-14: Calloway Audiolabyrinth..your're sad..i really feel sorry for you..
10-16-14: Jazzonthehudson Audiolabyrinth is known NOT to have any serious stuff except his only and beloved TL cord and he abuses Audiogon to make himself important (cfr his answers on other threads). I feel sorry for TPG and others who take him seriously in the beginning.
10-17-14: Calvinj @jazzonthehudson. On audiolabryinth I agree.
06-22-14: Calloway Audiolabyrinth...does this mean you are going away from this post...which,after all,is about HF cables.....hopefully so.
06-23-14: Tbg Audiolabyrinth, so what does someone who has never bothered to hear the HFCables contribute to a thread obviously focused on these cables. I must admit that I largely ignore your posts as not relevant or of interest.
Yes, I can feel the love and admiration that Audiogon members feel for you. ;^)
11-21-14: Audiolabyrinth I have helped many everyday with that thread
Whatever helps that huge ego let you sleep at night brother. I just wonder if there is anyone out there who actually feels that you have helped them. I know that YOU think you are helping, I just don't know that OTHERS feel that you are helping. That's the amusing part. I work with a fellow who "thinks" he is helping me all the time. I try to avoid him as much as possible, I find I get more done without his "help".
I'll leave you be now, because Daddy always told me to never get into a battle of wits with an unarmed man. Cheers. Jmcgrogan2 (Reviews | Threads | Answers | This Thread)
I have noticed that when I express opinions similar to Mapman's here my posts sometimes do not make it to the thread -- but Mapman's posts are allowed. I wonder why?
"Even you Agithos have shown previous interest in other things audio besides HFC, like all regular audiophiles do."
Absolute rubbish Jmcgrogan2. As anyone who bothers to look at my post history can attest. I have commented on everything, and on many cables brands other than HFC.
Why would you say such a thing that is blatantly false, if not to insult my character in a sly way? A forum troll indeed.
I'm so Thrilled that I got my upgraded HF URR Power Conditioner back last night! I plugged it in right away and will play it for a while to settle in, days or weeks. It's going to take time to rebuild my system after removing the power filter and replacing it. On problem with having 1000 tweaks is that it takes a lotta time to move anything.;-). so first, settle in, then I'll try the same tweaks I used on the UR Power filter. The I will try to improve on that. Happy to report my progress. Cheers D
@ddraudt my listening session starts at 4. Having a couple of new folks come by for a listen. This is the fun part. Different kinds of music with new ears to tell me what they think. If they enjoy it or if it's different in some ways. This is what the hobby is about. Getting folks who love the music and actually sit down and come hear it. Going to do more of this in the beginning of the year. I have a different set of listeners. Some love jazz, country, rock, classical and Blues. I listen to it all I respect the musicians and how well they play. I like the way artists compose and arrange the songs and sets.
Calvinj, thanks for the music suggestions. I'm happy your having fun!! me too!! It is great to have music enthusiasts over to listen. I have many novices and serious Audiophiles over regularly. We all have a great time and are emotionally charged by the events. I hope to have my system up to speed again soon and I'm still looking forward to you hearing it. Sure is Fun!!! D
sabai, i noticed in a title you wrote to me. I don't read stuff by you or mapman or jmcgrogan2. never look at them, so best to you on other threads. Perhaps there is a thread out there that specializes in whining and complaining about things no one wants to hear.
Jmcgrogan2, you say, "You are correct Sabai, he does have an agenda, a hidden, financially motivated agenda." If he is he has only modified gear to sell and must be in disfavor as he got his Waveguide power center long after I got mine. I do think he is friends with Rick. Anyone who touts a product could be a dealer, but Audiogon doesn't care.
Obviously, few who read this thread care much about what you or Sabai post, especially Sabai. I doubt if his cables can beat those from Radio Shack.
Sabai, try removing the magnets that surround your cables and system. You will find there is a veil and constriction that has been lifted from the sound.
Years ago I used rare earth magnets in various patterns to surround the connectors of a power cable I had. I also had a coaxial digital cable by a manufacturer that has magnets in the RCA itself.
When these items were first plugged in, it was like a void of silence, a huge improvement, such an exciting gain in performance, but as time went by, literally only a few days, the sound would continue to deteriorate and the magic was lost to the point the system started to sound negative compared to when the cables first went in.
I was mystified as to why this happened. Then I read a review of Lotus Audio magnetic power cables by Marty DeWulf of Bound for Sound. The exact same thing happened to him, those power cables were the best he ever heard, only initially, and then the performance deteriorated over time.
I asked Mr Magnets, Rick Schultz, why this happens with passively applied magnets, he had a technical explanation I will try and remember; the magnets initially create a magnetic field that the signal can pass through more freely than before, improving the sound. But over time the magnets start to magnetically charge the surrounding cable connectors, the wire, component sockets e.t.c in an uncontrolled fashion, making performance deteriorate.
After this experience with magnets, my initial concern about HFC was it would deteriorate, but its the opposite, it gets better and better with time. This must be due to using the magnets as a part of the signal path itself, rather than externally interfering with the signal.
Well here we go again. @ddraudt. We had a great session tonight we listened to junior wells, Hiroshimi,Bobby Mcferrin and Stacey Kent. We had a great session. It is the best my system has sounded. I'm happy today. It's been along hard chase to get to this. Its been real interesting lately here. Pretty much you can try the cables from the cable company or get an opportunity to listen to them by getting a demo. If you decide it's worth it to you you buy them. If you don't. Don't buy them. You have decided that this is your cable of choice and I'm glad that it is mine. It really has transformed my sound. I constantly have changed equipment the last 5 years and who knows. I might change my equipment again. However, my cables are going nowhere. I'm off the cable merry go round. The high fidelity stuff is the best I've ever heard. I care about musical performance over all else. Glad I tried it for myself. I have had many opportunities the last 3 years to grow as an audiophile. The growth has come by hearing the best stuff I possible can and trusting my ears. I used to read the forums and let other people decide. Im glad i trust my ears. I think I have pretty good ones. I guess earlier in this thread I got annoyed by the science part of it all I don't anymore. That is very important and I have gained a better understanding of what this product does. The number one thing to me is how does it sound. I really don't get into the technical stuff if I don't like how it sounds then it's over. It just seems to me that if I'm someone who hasn't and won't listen to a product why do I even care what another man is doing or what he or she likes. I appreciate your posts and it has encouraged med to listen to more. I'm a lawyer by trade and I wonder enh I spent so much time in the hobby the last 5 years and I realize one thing. I love the way it sounds and that's all that ever matters to me. Enjoy your system and your high fidelity. @tbg. I like your approach in your modded equipment. I would like to get to that point one day. I see why you tried the high fidelity stuff in the first place. It's a different approach. @lak. How is it sounding. Any changes. Is it getting better.@jazzonthehudson how are things going. Any changes in your equipment or sound. @everyone who ever reads this thread. Very rarely do I see someone post on this thread who has actually listened to the high fidelity and they are not impressed with the sound quality. To me that's all that matters. #Hearing is Believing!!! Just lower the background noise floor and listen actually listen to the music.Lol.
It appears you are the self-anointed shadow moderator of this thread. Congratulations. By the way, was this by acclamation?
You stated, "Perhaps there is a thread out there that specializes in whining and complaining about things no one wants to hear." IMO, if you substitute the word "I" for the words "no one" you will be making an accurate statement. With all due respect, you may speak for yourself but not for all Members. After all, it appears that at least Jmcgrogan2 is not allergic to my comments. If you are, then please feel free to ignore them.
By the way, I am not offended in the least if you do not read what I have to say. But you apparently do read what I have to say since you characterize my comments as whining and complaining. How would you know if you had ignored my posts? So, your denial is disingenuous.
And besides, even if I were whining and complaining there is no law that says this form of communication is, ipso facto, disallowed on the Forum, as far as I am aware. In any case, if you characterize my comments as whining and complaining -- when I point out the obvious, that HF cables carry an outrageous price tag -- then so be it. However, this does not detract from the truth of my statement.
By the way, if Jmcgrogan2's comments about your selling HF cables is true then I believe it would be best for you to make a full disclosure. Please let us know one way or the other.
Since my cables have bested Elrod cables in my system then, by your line of reasoning, Elrod cables do not best Radio Shack cables. In any case, since you have not heard my cables in my system the point is moot. You are not in a position to judge by direct experience but only by speculating. You certainly have a right to speculate.
This is true if you have too many magnets in the system. It all depends on how many magnets you use and where you place them -- and other mods that I include, as well. Surrounding connectors with magnets can indeed cause SQ to deteriorate. I know this from my own experience -- especially if you use too many N52 neodymium magnets. But with the right number of magnets and the right placement the sonic results can be very rewarding, and the sound will not deteriorate.
@ddraudt. One thing I notice about the revel studio 2 is that when you turn the volume up and give them a lot of power they really cut loose. @tbg did you try high fidelity with your LSA statement intergrated. I tried it when I had the vienna acoustics. I think they would have powered my revels pretty good. Have you ever owned any audio research gear and what did you think about it?
Jmcgrogan2, you say, "You are correct Sabai, he does have an agenda, a hidden, financially motivated agenda." If he is he has only modified gear to sell and must be in disfavor as he got his Waveguide power center long after I got mine. I do think he is friends with Rick. Anyone who touts a product could be a dealer, but Audiogon doesn't care.
Obviously, few who read this thread care much about what you or Sabai post, especially Sabai. I doubt if his cables can beat those from Radio Shack.
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