@erik_squires, speaking of straw men and/or reading comprehension, you wrote:
" You’ve stated I’ve attempted to discredit the technology."
No I did not.
I provided TWO quotes wherein you called multi-sub advocates "cultists", and then in a follow-up post I wrote:
" Since bass trap advocate Erik Squires is playing the "cultist" card to discredit multi-sub advocates..."
So I never said that you attempted to discredit the technology, only its advocates. Of course if its advocates are "cultists", with everything that word implies (brain-washed, simple-minded, etc.), that doesn’t exactly bode well for the technology, does it?
Regarding your list of three accusations:
It is the easiest thing in the world to make accusations on an internet forum. They cost you nothing and potentially cost the accused a great deal...
Unless you are asked to back up your accusations, because then your credibility is being challenged.
How about this: You stop the name-calling and drive-by accusations and I’ll leave you alone.
" You’ve stated I’ve attempted to discredit the technology."
No I did not.
I provided TWO quotes wherein you called multi-sub advocates "cultists", and then in a follow-up post I wrote:
" Since bass trap advocate Erik Squires is playing the "cultist" card to discredit multi-sub advocates..."
So I never said that you attempted to discredit the technology, only its advocates. Of course if its advocates are "cultists", with everything that word implies (brain-washed, simple-minded, etc.), that doesn’t exactly bode well for the technology, does it?
Regarding your list of three accusations:
It is the easiest thing in the world to make accusations on an internet forum. They cost you nothing and potentially cost the accused a great deal...
Unless you are asked to back up your accusations, because then your credibility is being challenged.
How about this: You stop the name-calling and drive-by accusations and I’ll leave you alone.